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Automatic generation of statistical pose and shape models for articulated joints

Chen, Xin; Graham, Jim; Hutchinson, Charles; Muir, Lindsay

Automatic generation of statistical pose and shape models for articulated joints Thumbnail


Associate Professor

Jim Graham

Charles Hutchinson

Lindsay Muir


Statistical analysis of motion patterns of body joints is potentially useful for detecting and quantifying pathologies. However, building a statistical motion model across different subjects remains a challenging task, especially for a complex joint like the wrist. We present a novel framework for simultaneous registration and segmentation of multiple 3-D (CT or MR) volumes of different subjects at various articulated positions. The framework starts with a pose model generated from 3-D volumes captured at different articulated positions of a single subject (template). This initial pose model is used to register the template volume to image volumes from new subjects. During this process, the Grow-Cut algorithm is used in an iterative refinement of the segmentation of the bone along with the pose parameters. As each new subject is registered and segmented, the pose model is updated, improving the accuracy of successive registrations. We applied the algorithm to CT images of the wrist from 25 subjects, each at five different wrist positions and demonstrated that it performed robustly and accurately. More importantly, the resulting segmentations allowed a statistical pose model of the carpal bones to be generated automatically without interaction. The evaluation results show that our proposed framework achieved accurate registration with an average mean target registration error of mm. The automatic segmentation results also show high consistency with the ground truth obtained semi-automatically. Furthermore, we demonstrated the capability of the resulting statistical pose and shape models by using them to generate a measurement tool for scaphoid-lunate dissociation diagnosis, which achieved 90% sensitivity and specificity.


Chen, X., Graham, J., Hutchinson, C., & Muir, L. (2013). Automatic generation of statistical pose and shape models for articulated joints. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33(2),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 4, 2013
Publication Date Oct 11, 2013
Deposit Date Apr 21, 2017
Publicly Available Date Apr 21, 2017
Journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Print ISSN 0278-0062
Electronic ISSN 1558-254X
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 33
Issue 2
Keywords Wrist, Carpal bones, 3D image registration, Segmentation, Statistical pose model, Statistical shape model,
Articulated joint
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Contract Date Apr 21, 2017


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