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A validation study of the identification of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in England using population-based health data

Bishton, Mark J.; Stilwell, Peter; Card, Tim R.; Lanyon, Peter; Ban, Lu; Elliss-Brookes, Lucy; Manson, Jessica; Nanduri, Vasanta; Earp, Kate; Flower, Luke; Amarnani, Raj; Rankin, Judith; Sen, Ethan S.; Tattersall, Rachel S.; Crooks, Colin J.; Aston, Jeanette; Siskova, Veronika; West, Joe; Bythell, Mary


Mark J. Bishton

Peter Stilwell

Tim R. Card

Peter Lanyon

Lu Ban

Lucy Elliss-Brookes

Jessica Manson

Vasanta Nanduri

Kate Earp

Luke Flower

Raj Amarnani

Judith Rankin

Ethan S. Sen

Rachel S. Tattersall

Jeanette Aston

Veronika Siskova

Mary Bythell


We assessed the validity of coded healthcare data to identify cases of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) identified 127 cases within five hospital Trusts 2013–2018 using ICD-10 codes D76.1, D76.2 and D76.3. Hospital records were reviewed to validate diagnoses. Out of 74 patients, 73 were coded D76.1 or D76.2 (positive predictive value 89·0% [95% Confidence Interval {CI} 80·2–94·9%]) with confirmed/probable HLH. For cases considered not HLH, 44/53 were coded D76.3 (negative predictive value 97·8% [95% CI 88·2–99·9%]). D76.1 or D76.2 had 68% sensitivity in detecting HLH compared to an established active case-finding HLH register in Sheffield. Office for National Statistics (ONS) mortality data (2003–2018) identified 698 patients coded D76.1, D76.2 and D76.3 on death certificates. Five hundred and forty-one were coded D76.1 or D76.2 of whom 524 (96·9%) had HLH in the free-text cause of death. Of 157 coded D76.3, 66 (42·0%) had HLH in free text. D76.1 and D76.2 codes reliably identify HLH cases, and provide a lower bound on incidence. Non-concordance between D76.3 and HLH excludes D76.3 as an ascertainment source from HES. Our results suggest electronic healthcare data in England can enable population-wide registration and analysis of HLH for future research.


Bishton, M. J., Stilwell, P., Card, T. R., Lanyon, P., Ban, L., Elliss-Brookes, L., Manson, J., Nanduri, V., Earp, K., Flower, L., Amarnani, R., Rankin, J., Sen, E. S., Tattersall, R. S., Crooks, C. J., Aston, J., Siskova, V., West, J., & Bythell, M. (2021). A validation study of the identification of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in England using population-based health data. British Journal of Haematology, 194(6), 1039-1044.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 28, 2021
Online Publication Date Aug 12, 2021
Publication Date 2021-09
Deposit Date Dec 1, 2022
Journal British Journal of Haematology
Print ISSN 0007-1048
Electronic ISSN 1365-2141
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 194
Issue 6
Pages 1039-1044
Keywords Hematology
Public URL
Publisher URL