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Barriers and motivators for tobacco smoking cessation in people with multiple sclerosis

Hunter, Assunta; Grech, Lisa B.; Borland, Ron; das Nair, Roshan; White, Sarah L.; Marck, Claudia H.

Barriers and motivators for tobacco smoking cessation in people with multiple sclerosis Thumbnail


Assunta Hunter

Lisa B. Grech

Ron Borland

Sarah L. White

Claudia H. Marck


Smoking is a key modifiable risk factor for health outcomes of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Little evidence exists on whether the information and support needs of people with MS who smoke are met. This study aimed to explore knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about smoking and quitting, and quitting support needs in Australian people with MS.

Current and recent smokers were recruited for phone interviews through social media and newsletters. Interview data were analysed in NVivo using framework analysis.

We interviewed 25 people with MS (20 current and five recent smokers). Many participants had little knowledge about the risks of smoking on MS progression. Some reported perceived benefits from smoking on MS symptoms, while others perceived smoking worsening their symptoms. Similarly, quitting was believed to have health benefits, but concerns about withdrawal symptoms and the impact on MS symptoms and relapses were common. Participants reported ambivalence discussing smoking with clinicians; some wanting more information and support, while also feeling shame or guilt. Many participants were asked about their smoking status by MS clinicians, however, the provision of evidence-based information, and referrals to quitting support services was very infrequent. General practitioners were often found helpful and supportive, but participants gave more weight to quit advice from MS clinicians.

Our results are the first to indicate that smoking cessation needs of Australian people with MS are not met. These findings should be confirmed in a larger sample, but there is potential to investigate whether implementing routine provision of brief advice in MS care, as a coordinated effort between MS researchers, practitioners, consumer advocates and behavioural intervention services, may meet these needs. Further, developing targeted resources and training quit counsellors to provide appropriate information and support specific to people with MS may improve smoking cessation success in people with MS.


Hunter, A., Grech, L. B., Borland, R., das Nair, R., White, S. L., & Marck, C. H. (2021). Barriers and motivators for tobacco smoking cessation in people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 54, Article 103085.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 10, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 17, 2021
Publication Date 2021-09
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 18, 2022
Journal Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
Print ISSN 2211-0348
Electronic ISSN 2211-0356
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 54
Article Number 103085
Keywords Multiple sclerosis; Tobacco smoking; Qualitative; Cessation; Modifiable risk factor
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