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Outputs (1073)

Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD (2025)
Journal Article
Forbes, E. J., Tiego, J., Langmead, J., Unruh, K. E., Mosconi, M. W., Finlay, A., Kallady, K., Maclachlan, L., Moses, M., Cappel, K., Knott, R., Chau, T., Sindhu, V. P. M., Bellato, A., Groom, M. J., Kerestes, R., Bellgrove, M. A., & Johnson, B. P. (2025). Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,

Oculomotor characteristics, including accuracy, timing, and sensorimotor processing, are considered sensitive intermediate phenotypes for understanding the etiology of neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism and ADHD. Oculomotor characteristics... Read More about Oculomotor Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD or Co-occurring Autism and ADHD.

Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions (2024)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, C., Tucker, S., Hughes, J., Hothersall, G., Patterson, M., Gillan, V., & Challis, D. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions. Journal of Long-Term Care, 2024, 489-499.


Meeting the healthcare needs of care home residents is an international concern. In England, three approaches to enhance usual care provided by primary care general practitioners have been identified: additional direct (face-to-face) sup... Read More about Exploring the Impact of Different Approaches to Healthcare Support for Older Care Home Residents in Greater Manchester on Ambulance Services and Unplanned Hospital Admissions.

Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data (2024)
Journal Article
Dulal-Arthur, T., Hassard, J., Bourke, J., Wishart, M., Bartle, C., Roper, S., Belt, V., Leka, S., Pahl, N., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2025). Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 98(1), Article e12552.

Presenteeism (working while ill) due to mental ill-health is estimated to be one of the largest economic costs to employers. We seek to investigate the relationship between line manager training in mental health (MH) and presenteeism trends at work.... Read More about Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data.

Providing emotional support during the process of multiple sclerosis diagnosis (PrEliMS): A feasibility randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Das Nair, R., Mhizha-Murira, J. R., Topcu, G., Tindall, T., Bale, C., Moghaddam, N., Scheffler-Ansari, G., Drummond, A., Fitzsimmons, D., & Evangelou, N. (2024). Providing emotional support during the process of multiple sclerosis diagnosis (PrEliMS): A feasibility randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 38(11), 1506-1520.

To evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of an emotional support programme for newly diagnosed people with multiple sclerosis.

Three-arm, mixed methods, randomised controlled trial comparing usual care, versus usual care p... Read More about Providing emotional support during the process of multiple sclerosis diagnosis (PrEliMS): A feasibility randomised controlled trial.

The Mechanisms of Persisting Disability in Schizophrenia: Imprecise Predictive Coding via Corticostriatothalamic-Cortical Loop Dysfunction (2024)
Journal Article
Liddle, P. F., & Sami, M. B. (2024). The Mechanisms of Persisting Disability in Schizophrenia: Imprecise Predictive Coding via Corticostriatothalamic-Cortical Loop Dysfunction. Biological Psychiatry,

Persisting symptoms and disability remain a problem for an appreciable proportion of people with schizophrenia despite treatment with antipsychotic medication. Improving outcomes requires an understanding of the nature and mechanisms of the pathologi... Read More about The Mechanisms of Persisting Disability in Schizophrenia: Imprecise Predictive Coding via Corticostriatothalamic-Cortical Loop Dysfunction.

Defining the disturbance in cortical glutamate and GABA function in psychosis and its origins and consequences (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Deakin, B., Liddle, E., Rathnaiah, M., Gregory, C., Katshu, M., Wiliams, G., Conen, S., Smallman, R., Koelewijn, L. C., Anton, A., Kumar, J., Gasgoyne, L. E., Chen, C., Nikkheslat, N., Evans, J., Lanz, B., Walters, J., Talbot, P., Palaniyappan, L., Singh, K. D., …Liddle, P. F. Defining the disturbance in cortical glutamate and GABA function in psychosis and its origins and consequences

It is widely thought that the onset of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia may arise from an early neurotoxic phase, possibly related to oxidative stress or inflammation, and a late residual damage phase associated with persistent negative symptoms.... Read More about Defining the disturbance in cortical glutamate and GABA function in psychosis and its origins and consequences.

Tracking subjects' strategies in behavioural choice experiments at trial resolution. (2024)
Journal Article
Maggi, S., Hock, R. M., O'Neill, M., Buckley, M. J., Moran, P. M., Bast, T., Sami, M., & Humphries, M. D. (2024). Tracking subjects' strategies in behavioural choice experiments at trial resolution. eLife, 13, Article e86491.

Investigating how, when, and what subjects learn during decision-making tasks requires tracking their choice strategies on a trial-by-trial basis. Here we present a simple but effective probabilistic approach to tracking choice strategies at trial re... Read More about Tracking subjects' strategies in behavioural choice experiments at trial resolution..

Realist Evaluation Comparison of Dementia-Friendly Communities in England and the Netherlands (2024)
Journal Article
Chadborn, N. H., Thijssen, M., Logan, P., Radford, K., & Graff, M. (2024). Realist Evaluation Comparison of Dementia-Friendly Communities in England and the Netherlands. Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024, Article 5576029.

Introduction. Dementia-friendly communities coordinate activities and events which offer social inclusion and participation of people with dementia. Initiatives can include memory cafés, sports, and tourist and heritage visits. This study explored ho... Read More about Realist Evaluation Comparison of Dementia-Friendly Communities in England and the Netherlands.

Connectivity-guided intermittent theta burst versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Morriss, R., Briley, P. M., Webster, L., Abdelghani, M., Barber, S., Bates, P., Brookes, C., Hall, B., Ingram, L., Kurkar, M., Lankappa, S., Liddle, P. F., McAllister-Williams, R. H., O’Neil-Kerr, A., Pszczolkowski, S., Suazo Di Paola, A., Walters, Y., & Auer, D. P. (2024). Connectivity-guided intermittent theta burst versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine, 30(2), 403–413.

Disruption in reciprocal connectivity between the right anterior insula and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is associated with depression and may be a target for neuromodulation. In a five-center, parallel, double-blind, randomized controlled... Read More about Connectivity-guided intermittent theta burst versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized controlled trial.

Online Remote Behavioural Intervention for Tics in 9 to 17-year-olds: the ORBIT RCT with embedded process and economic evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Hollis, C., Hall, C. L., Khan, K., Le Novere, M., Marston, L., Jones, R., Hunter, R., Brown, B. J., Sanderson, C., Andrén, P., Bennett, S. D., Chamberlain, L. R., Bethan Davies, E., Evans, A., Kouzoupi, N., McKenzie, C., Heyman, I., Kilgariff, J., Glazebrook, C., Mataix-Cols, D., …Murphy, T. (2023). Online Remote Behavioural Intervention for Tics in 9 to 17-year-olds: the ORBIT RCT with embedded process and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 27(18), 1-120.


Behavioural therapy for tics is difficult to access, and little is known about its effectiveness when delivered online.


To investigate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of an online-delivered, therapist and parent-... Read More about Online Remote Behavioural Intervention for Tics in 9 to 17-year-olds: the ORBIT RCT with embedded process and economic evaluation.