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Vector Transmission of Animal Viruses

Attoui, Houssam; Jaafar, Fauziah Mohd; Fragkoudis, Rennos; Mertens, Peter P.C.


Houssam Attoui

Fauziah Mohd Jaafar

Rennos Fragkoudis


Animal “arboviruses” include viruses that are transmitted between their vertebrate hosts by arthropod vectors. They replicate in both their haematophagous arthropod vectors and vertebrate hosts. Vectors become infected after feeding on infected hosts. After replication and dissemination to the vector’s salivary glands, the virus can be transmitted onwards upon feeding on new hosts. Arboviruses also includes mechanically transmitted viruses, as well as viruses that are ingested, passing through the arthropod vector’s system, without replicating, ending in vectors’ saliva. This article considers the mode of transmission, relationships and taxonomy of different arboviruses, arthropods’ antiviral mechanisms and potential control strategies.


Attoui, H., Jaafar, F. M., Fragkoudis, R., & Mertens, P. P. (2021). Vector Transmission of Animal Viruses. In Encyclopedia of Virology (542-551). (Fourth edition). Elsevier.

Online Publication Date Mar 1, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Jun 9, 2021
Publisher Elsevier
Pages 542-551
Edition Fourth edition
Book Title Encyclopedia of Virology
ISBN 9780128145166
Public URL
Publisher URL