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Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding

Zhu, Shaohong; Cox, Tom; Xu, Zeyuan; Gerada, Chris

Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding Thumbnail


Shaohong Zhu

Associate Professor

Principal Research Fellow


This paper presents a five-phase permanent magnet (PM) vernier machine topology equipped with a two-slot pitch winding. The two-slot pitch winding provides a trade-off between fractional slots concentrated winding (FSCW) and integrated slot distributed winding (ISDW) PM vernier machines. First, the development and basic structure of the fivephase PM vernier machine with auxiliary teeth are depicted. Then, the PM vernier machine with proposed two-slot pitch fractional slot winding is explained. Finally, the five-phase PM vernier machines with conventional ISDW and FSCW configuration are analyzed and compared with the proposed PM vernier machines with two-slot pitch fractional slot winding. The benefits of introducing two-slot pitch windings are quantitatively analyzed and verified by finite-element analysis (FEA). This analysis confirms that a higher back EMF and torque density can be achieved in this topology while keeping a reasonable power factor.


Zhu, S., Cox, T., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2020). Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding. .

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Start Date Oct 11, 2020
End Date Oct 15, 2020
Acceptance Date May 1, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 30, 2020
Publication Date Oct 11, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 24, 2021
Publicly Available Date Mar 24, 2021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 1174-1179
Series Title IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Series ISSN 2329-3721
ISBN 9781728158273
Keywords Windings, Torque, Harmonic analysis, Gears, Rotors, Reactive power, Stator windings
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