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Towards a general model for predicting minimal metal concentrations co-selecting for antibiotic resistance plasmids

Arya, Sankalp; Williams, Alexander; Reina, Saul Vazquez; Knapp, Charles W.; Kreft, Jan-Ulrich; Hobman, Jon L.; Stekel, Dov J.

Towards a general model for predicting minimal metal concentrations co-selecting for antibiotic resistance plasmids Thumbnail


Sankalp Arya

Alexander Williams

Saul Vazquez Reina

Charles W. Knapp

Jan-Ulrich Kreft


© 2021 Elsevier Ltd Many antibiotic resistance genes co-occur with resistance genes for transition metals, such as copper, zinc, or mercury. In some environments, a positive correlation between high metal concentration and high abundance of antibiotic resistance genes has been observed, suggesting co-selection due to metal presence. Of particular concern is the use of copper and zinc in animal husbandry, leading to potential co-selection for antibiotic resistance in animal gut microbiomes, slurry, manure, or amended soils. For antibiotics, predicted no effect concentrations have been derived from laboratory measured minimum inhibitory concentrations and some minimal selective concentrations have been investigated in environmental settings. However, minimal co-selection concentrations for metals are difficult to identify. Here, we use mathematical modelling to provide a general mechanistic framework to predict minimal co-selective concentrations for metals, given knowledge of their toxicity at different concentrations. We apply the method to copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and silver (Ag), predicting their minimum co-selective concentrations in mg/L (Cu: 5.5, Zn: 1.6, Hg: 0.0156, Pb: 21.5, Ag: 0.152). To exemplify use of these thresholds, we consider metal concentrations from slurry and slurry-amended soil from a UK dairy farm that uses copper and zinc as additives for feed and antimicrobial footbath: the slurry is predicted to be co-selective, but not the slurry-amended soil. This modelling framework could be used as the basis for defining standards to mitigate risks of antimicrobial resistance applicable to a wide range of environments, including manure, slurry and other waste streams. We provide a general framework to predict minimal co-selective concentrations for metals as environmental co-selective agents for antibiotic resistance, using mechanistic differential equations, and apply the method to copper, zinc, mercury, lead and silver.


Arya, S., Williams, A., Reina, S. V., Knapp, C. W., Kreft, J.-U., Hobman, J. L., & Stekel, D. J. (2021). Towards a general model for predicting minimal metal concentrations co-selecting for antibiotic resistance plasmids. Environmental Pollution, 275, Article 116602.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 24, 2021
Online Publication Date Feb 6, 2021
Publication Date Apr 15, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 10, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 7, 2022
Journal Environmental Pollution
Print ISSN 0269-7491
Electronic ISSN 1873-6424
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 275
Article Number 116602
Keywords Toxicology; Pollution; Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis; General Medicine
Public URL
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