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Acceptability of bisphosphonates among patients, clinicians and managers: a systematic review and framework synthesis.

Paskins, Zoe; Crawford-Manning, Fay; Cottrell, Elizabeth; Corp, Nadia; Wright, Jenny; Jinks, Clare; Bishop, Simon; Doyle, Alison; Ong, Terence; Gittoes, Neil; Leonardi-Bee, Jo; Langley, Tessa; Horne, Robert; Sahota, Opinder

Acceptability of bisphosphonates among patients, clinicians and managers: a systematic review and framework synthesis. Thumbnail


Zoe Paskins

Fay Crawford-Manning

Elizabeth Cottrell

Nadia Corp

Jenny Wright

Clare Jinks

Alison Doyle

Terence Ong

Neil Gittoes

Robert Horne

Opinder Sahota


OBJECTIVE: To explore the acceptability of different bisphosphonate regimens for the treatment of osteoporosis among patients, clinicians and managers, payers and academics.

DESIGN: A systematic review of primary qualitative studies. Seven databases were searched from inception to July 2019. Screening, data extraction and quality assessment of full-articles selected for inclusion were performed independently by two authors. A framework synthesis was applied to extracted data based on the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA). The TFA includes seven domains relating to sense-making, emotions, opportunity costs, burden, perceived effectiveness, ethicality and self-efficacy. Confidence in synthesis findings was assessed.

SETTING: Any developed country healthcare setting

PARTICIPANTS: Patients, healthcare professionals, managers, payers and academics.

INTERVENTION: Experiences and views of oral and intravenous bisphosphonates.

RESULTS: Twenty-five studies were included, mostly describing perceptions of oral bisphosphonates. We identified, with high confidence, how patients and HCPs make sense (coherence) of bisphosphonates by balancing perceptions of need against concerns, how uncertainty prevails about bisphosphonate perceived effectiveness and a number of individual and service factors that have potential to increase self-efficacy in recommending and adhering to bisphosphonates. We identified, with moderate confidence, that bisphosphonate taking induces concern, but has the potential to engender reassurance, and that both side effects and special instructions for taking oral bisphosphonates can result in treatment burden. Finally, we identified with low confidence that multi-morbidity plays a role in people’s perception of bisphosphonate acceptability.

CONCLUSION: By using the lens of acceptability, our findings demonstrate with high confidence that a theoretically informed, whole-system approach is necessary to both understand and improve adherence. Clinicians and patients need supporting to understand the need for bisphosphonates, and clinicians need to clarify to patients what constitutes bisphosphonate treatment success. Further research is needed to explore perspectives of male patients and those with multi-morbidity receiving bisphosphonates, and patients receiving intravenous treatment.


Paskins, Z., Crawford-Manning, F., Cottrell, E., Corp, N., Wright, J., Jinks, C., Bishop, S., Doyle, A., Ong, T., Gittoes, N., Leonardi-Bee, J., Langley, T., Horne, R., & Sahota, O. (2020). Acceptability of bisphosphonates among patients, clinicians and managers: a systematic review and framework synthesis. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e040634.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 13, 2020
Online Publication Date Nov 3, 2020
Publication Date 2020-11
Deposit Date Oct 22, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 20, 2020
Journal BMJ Open
Electronic ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 11
Article Number e040634
Keywords General Medicine
Public URL
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