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A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

Tennant, Jonathan P.; Dugan, Jonathan M.; Graziotin, Daniel; Jacques, Damien C.; Waldner, Fran�ois; Mietchen, Daniel; Elkhatib, Yehia; Collister, Lauren B.; Pikas, Christina K.; Crick, Tom; Masuzzo, Paola; Caravaggi, Anthony; Berg, Devin R.; Niemeyer, Kyle E.; Ross-Hellauer, Tony; Mannheimer, Sara; Rigling, Lillian; Katz, Daniel S.; Tzovaras, Bastian Greshake; Pacheco-Mendoza, Josmel; Fatima, Nazeefa; Poblet, Marta; Isaakidis, Marios; Irawan, Dasapta Erwin; Renaut, S�bastien; Madan, Christopher R.; Matthias, Lisa; Kj�r, Jesper N�rgaard; O'Donnell, Daniel Paul; Neylon, Cameron; Kearns, Sarah; Selvaraju, Manojkumar; Colomb, Julien

A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review [version 3; peer review: 2 approved] Thumbnail


Jonathan P. Tennant

Jonathan M. Dugan

Daniel Graziotin

Damien C. Jacques

Fran�ois Waldner

Daniel Mietchen

Yehia Elkhatib

Lauren B. Collister

Christina K. Pikas

Tom Crick

Paola Masuzzo

Anthony Caravaggi

Devin R. Berg

Kyle E. Niemeyer

Tony Ross-Hellauer

Sara Mannheimer

Lillian Rigling

Daniel S. Katz

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Josmel Pacheco-Mendoza

Nazeefa Fatima

Marta Poblet

Marios Isaakidis

Dasapta Erwin Irawan

S�bastien Renaut

Lisa Matthias

Jesper N�rgaard Kj�r

Daniel Paul O'Donnell

Cameron Neylon

Sarah Kearns

Manojkumar Selvaraju

Julien Colomb


Peer review of research articles is a core part of our scholarly communication system. In spite of its importance, the status and purpose of peer review is often contested. What is its role in our modern digital research and communications infrastructure? Does it perform to the high standards with which it is generally regarded? Studies of peer review have shown that it is prone to bias and abuse in numerous dimensions, frequently unreliable, and can fail to detect even fraudulent research. With the advent of web technologies, we are now witnessing a phase of innovation and experimentation in our approaches to peer review. These developments prompted us to examine emerging models of peer review from a range of disciplines and venues, and to ask how they might address some of the issues with our current systems of peer review. We examine the functionality of a range of social Web platforms, and compare these with the traits underlying a viable peer review system: quality control, quantified performance metrics as engagement incentives, and certification and reputation. Ideally, any new systems will demonstrate that they out-perform and reduce the biases of existing models as much as possible. We conclude that there is considerable scope for new peer review initiatives to be developed, each with their own potential issues and advantages. We also propose a novel hybrid platform model that could, at least partially, resolve many of the socio-technical issues associated with peer review, and potentially disrupt the entire scholarly communication system. Success for any such development relies on reaching a critical threshold of research community engagement with both the process and the platform, and therefore cannot be achieved without a significant change of incentives in research environments.


Tennant, J. P., Dugan, J. M., Graziotin, D., Jacques, D. C., Waldner, F., Mietchen, D., Elkhatib, Y., Collister, L. B., Pikas, C. K., Crick, T., Masuzzo, P., Caravaggi, A., Berg, D. R., Niemeyer, K. E., Ross-Hellauer, T., Mannheimer, S., Rigling, L., Katz, D. S., Tzovaras, B. G., Pacheco-Mendoza, J., …Colomb, J. (2017). A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 6, Article 1151.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 1, 2017
Online Publication Date Nov 29, 2017
Publication Date Nov 29, 2017
Deposit Date Nov 2, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 2, 2020
Journal F1000Research
Electronic ISSN 2046-1402
Publisher F1000Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Article Number 1151
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Referee status: Indexed; Referee Report: 10.5256/f1000research.14133.r27485, David Moher, Centre for Journalology, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 10 Nov 2017, version 2, indexed; Referee Report: 10.5256/f1000research.14133.r27486, Virginia Barbour, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 13 Nov 2017, version 2, indexed; Grant Information: TRH was supported by funding from the European Commission H2020 project OpenAIRE2020 (Grant agreement: 643410, Call: H2020-EINFRA-2014-1). The publication costs of this article were funded by Imperial College London. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.; Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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