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Rare and extreme outcomes in risky choice

Mason, Alice; Ludvig, Elliot A.; Spetch, Marcia L.; Madan, Christopher R.


Alice Mason

Elliot A. Ludvig

Marcia L. Spetch


Many real-world decisions involving rare events also involve extreme outcomes. Despite this confluence, decisions-from-experience research has only examined the impact of rarity and extremity in isolation. With rare events, people typically choose as if they underestimate the probability of a rare outcome happening. Separately, people typically overestimate the probability of an extreme outcome happening. Here, for the first time, we examine the confluence of these two biases in decisions-from-experience. In a between-groups behavioural experiment, we examine people’s risk preferences for rare extreme outcomes and for rare non-extreme outcomes. When outcomes are both rare and extreme, people’s risk preferences shift away from traditional risk patterns for rare events: they show reduced underweighting for events that are both rare and extreme. We simulate these results using a small-sample model of decision-making that accounts for both the underweighting of rare events and the overweighting of extreme events. These separable influences on risk preferences suggest that to understand real-world risk for rare events we must also consider the extremity of the outcomes.


Mason, A., Ludvig, E. A., Spetch, M. L., & Madan, C. R. (2024). Rare and extreme outcomes in risky choice. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 31, 1301-1308.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 21, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 16, 2023
Publication Date 2024-06
Deposit Date Nov 20, 2023
Journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Print ISSN 1069-9384
Electronic ISSN 1531-5320
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 31
Pages 1301-1308
Keywords Rare outcomes · Risky choice · Decisions-from-experience · Extreme outcomes · Sampling models
Public URL
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Additional Information Accepted: 21 October 2023; First Online: 16 November 2023