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27-year time trends in dementia incidence in Europe and the US: the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium

Wolters, Frank J.; Chibnik, Lori B.; Waziry, Reem; Anderson, Roy; Berr, Claudine; Beiser, Alexa; Bis, Joshua C.; Blacker, Deborah; Bos, Daniel; Brayne, Carol; Dartigues, Jean-Fran�ois; Darweesh, Sirwan K.L.; Davis-Plourde, Kendra L; de Wolf, Frank; Debette, Stephanie; Dufouil, Carole; Fornage, Myriam; Goudsmit, Jaap; Grasset, Leslie; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Hadjichrysanthou, Christoforos; Helmer, Catherine; Arfan Ikram, M.; Ikram, M. Kamran; Joas, Erik; Kern, Silke; Kuller, Lewis H.; Launer, Lenore; Lopez, Oscar; Matthews, Fiona E.; McRae-McKee, Kevin; Meirelles, Osorio; Mosley, Thomas H.; Pase, Matthew P.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Satizabal, Claudia L; Seshadri, Sudha; Skoog, Ingmar; Stephan, Blossom C.M.; Wetterberg, Hanna; Wong, Mei Mei; Zettergren, Anna; Hofman, Albert

27-year time trends in dementia incidence in Europe and the US: the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium Thumbnail


Frank J. Wolters

Lori B. Chibnik

Reem Waziry

Roy Anderson

Claudine Berr

Alexa Beiser

Joshua C. Bis

Deborah Blacker

Daniel Bos

Carol Brayne

Jean-Fran�ois Dartigues

Sirwan K.L. Darweesh

Kendra L Davis-Plourde

Frank de Wolf

Stephanie Debette

Carole Dufouil

Myriam Fornage

Jaap Goudsmit

Leslie Grasset

Vilmundur Gudnason

Christoforos Hadjichrysanthou

Catherine Helmer

M. Arfan Ikram

M. Kamran Ikram

Erik Joas

Silke Kern

Lewis H. Kuller

Lenore Launer

Oscar Lopez

Fiona E. Matthews

Kevin McRae-McKee

Osorio Meirelles

Thomas H. Mosley

Matthew P. Pase

Bruce M. Psaty

Claudia L Satizabal

Sudha Seshadri

Ingmar Skoog

Blossom C.M. Stephan

Hanna Wetterberg

Mei Mei Wong

Anna Zettergren

Albert Hofman


Objective To determine changes in the incidence of dementia between 1988 and 2015.

Methods This analysis was performed in aggregated data from individuals >65 years of age in 7 population-based cohort studies in the United States and Europe from the Alzheimer Cohort Consortium. First, we calculated age- and sex-specific incidence rates for all-cause dementia, and then defined nonoverlapping 5-year epochs within each study to determine trends in incidence. Estimates of change per 10-year interval were pooled and results are presented combined and stratified by sex.

Results Of 49,202 individuals, 4,253 (8.6%) developed dementia. The incidence rate of dementia increased with age, similarly for women and men, ranging from about 4 per 1,000 person-years in individuals aged 65–69 years to 65 per 1,000 person-years for those aged 85–89 years. The incidence rate of dementia declined by 13% per calendar decade (95% confidence interval [CI], 7%–19%), consistently across studies, and somewhat more pronouncedly in men than in women (24% [95% CI 14%–32%] vs 8% [0%–15%]).

Conclusion The incidence rate of dementia in Europe and North America has declined by 13% per decade over the past 25 years, consistently across studies. Incidence is similar for men and women, although declines were somewhat more profound in men. These observations call for sustained efforts to finding the causes for this decline, as well as determining their validity in geographically and ethnically diverse populations.


Wolters, F. J., Chibnik, L. B., Waziry, R., Anderson, R., Berr, C., Beiser, A., Bis, J. C., Blacker, D., Bos, D., Brayne, C., Dartigues, J.-F., Darweesh, S. K., Davis-Plourde, K. L., de Wolf, F., Debette, S., Dufouil, C., Fornage, M., Goudsmit, J., Grasset, L., Gudnason, V., …Hofman, A. (2020). 27-year time trends in dementia incidence in Europe and the US: the Alzheimer Cohorts Consortium. Neurology, 95(5),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 31, 2020
Online Publication Date Jul 1, 2020
Publication Date Jul 1, 2020
Deposit Date Jun 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jul 16, 2020
Journal Neurology
Print ISSN 0028-3878
Electronic ISSN 1526-632X
Publisher American Academy of Neurology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 95
Issue 5
Keywords Clinical Neurology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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