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Switching from linear to macrocyclic gadolinium‐based contrast agents halts the relative T 1 ‐Weighted signal increase in deep gray matter of children with brain tumors: A retrospective study

Rowe, Selene K.; Rodriguez, Daniel; Cohen, Ellie; Grundy, Richard; Morgan, Paul S.; Jaspan, Tim; Dineen, Robert A.

Switching from linear to macrocyclic gadolinium‐based contrast agents halts the relative T            1            ‐Weighted signal increase in deep gray matter of children with brain tumors: A retrospective study Thumbnail


Selene K. Rowe

Daniel Rodriguez

Ellie Cohen

Paul S. Morgan

Tim Jaspan



Studies have shown signal intensity (SI) changes in the brains of children exposed to repeated doses of a gadolinium‐based contrast agent (GBCA).

The trajectory of changes in relative dentate nucleus (DN) and globus pallidus (GP) SI in children receiving multiple doses of GBCA will alter when switched from linear to macrocyclic agents.
Study Type

Retrospective longitudinal.

Thirty‐five children, age range 0.5–17.0 years, undergoing brain tumor follow‐up between 2006 and 2017.
Field Strength/Sequence

Unenhanced T1WI, serial scans at both 1.5T and 3T.

Regions of interest were drawn on DN, GP, and SIs normalized to middle cerebellar peduncle (DN/MCP) and cerebral white matter (GP/CWM), respectively. A change in SI ratios as a function of dose (slope gradient) calculated according to the type of contrast agent received: linear only, macrocyclic only, or switchover from linear to macrocyclic. For the latter, gradients were compared before and after switchover. The effect of anticancer treatment on slope gradient was tested.
Statistical Tests

One‐sample t‐test or Mann–Whitney U‐test for slope gradients differing from zero. Independent samples t‐tests to compare slope gradient groups. Paired sample t‐tests to compare slope gradients before and after switchover.

A significant (P < 0.05) increase in SI ratio was observed following multiple doses of linear but not macrocyclic agents: mean percentage increase per dose in SI was 0.063% vs. –0.034% for DN/MCP, and 0.078% vs. 0.004% for GP/CWM ratios. A significant (P < 0.05) change of SI trajectory in the DN/MCP ratio was demonstrated when switching from a linear to macrocyclic agent. There was no difference in SI trajectory between patients who had anticancer therapies and those who did not, DN/MCP P = 0.740; GP/BWM P = 0.694.
Data Conclusion

Switching from linear to macrocyclic gadolinium‐based contrast agents seems to halt the relative T1 signal increase in deep gray matter in children. Anticancer treatments appeared to have no impact on the trajectory of T1 SI.


Rowe, S. K., Rodriguez, D., Cohen, E., Grundy, R., Morgan, P. S., Jaspan, T., & Dineen, R. A. (2019). Switching from linear to macrocyclic gadolinium‐based contrast agents halts the relative T 1 ‐Weighted signal increase in deep gray matter of children with brain tumors: A retrospective study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 24, 2019
Online Publication Date Jun 4, 2019
Publication Date Jun 4, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 7, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 5, 2020
Journal Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Print ISSN 1053-1807
Electronic ISSN 1522-2586
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rowe, S. K., Rodriguez, D. , Cohen, E. , Grundy, R. , Morgan, P. S., Jaspan, T. and Dineen, R. A. (2019), Switching from linear to macrocyclic gadolinium‐based contrast agents halts the relative T1‐Weighted signal increase in deep gray matter of children with brain tumors: A retrospective study. J Magn Reson Imaging. , which has been published in final form at doi:10.1002/jmri.26831. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Contract Date Jun 7, 2019


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