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Hydroperoxide-Mediated Degradation of Acetonitrile in the Lithium–Air Battery

McNulty, Rory C.; Jones, Kieran D.; Holc, Conrad; Jordan, Jack W.; Bruce, Peter G.; Walsh, Darren A.; Newton, Graham N.; Lam, Hon Wai; Johnson, Lee R.

Hydroperoxide-Mediated Degradation of Acetonitrile in the Lithium–Air Battery Thumbnail


Rory C. McNulty

Conrad Holc


Peter G. Bruce


Understanding and eliminating degradation of the electrolyte solution is arguably the major challenge in the development of high energy density lithium–air batteries. The use of acetonitrile provides cycle stability comparable to current state-of-the-art glyme ethers and, while solvent degradation hasbeen extensively studied, no mechanism for acetonitrile degradation has beenproposed.Through the application of in situ pressure measurements and ex situ characterization to monitor the degradation of acetonitrile in the lithium–air battery, a correlation between H2O concentration within the cell and deviation from the idealized electron/oxygen ratio is revealed. Characterization of the cycled electrolyte solution identifies acetamide as the major degradation product under both cell and model conditions. A new degradation pathway is proposed that rationalizes the formation of acetamide, identifies the role of H2O in the degradation process, and confirms lithium hydroperoxide as a critical antagonistic species in lithium–air cells for the first time. These studies highlight the importance of considering the impact of atmospheric gases when exploring lithium–air cell chemistry and suggest that further exploration of the impact of hydroperoxide species on the degradation in lithium–air cells may lead to identification of more effective electrolyte solvents.


McNulty, R. C., Jones, K. D., Holc, C., Jordan, J. W., Bruce, P. G., Walsh, D. A., Newton, G. N., Lam, H. W., & Johnson, L. R. (2023). Hydroperoxide-Mediated Degradation of Acetonitrile in the Lithium–Air Battery. Advanced Energy Materials, 13(3), Article 2300579.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 17, 2023
Online Publication Date May 1, 2023
Publication Date Jun 16, 2023
Deposit Date May 19, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 22, 2023
Journal Advanced Energy Materials
Print ISSN 1614-6832
Electronic ISSN 1614-6840
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 3
Article Number 2300579
Keywords Acetonitrile; batteries; degradation; hydroperoxide; lithium–air batteries
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: McNulty, R.C., Jones, K.D., Holc, C., Jordan, J.W., Bruce, P.G., Walsh, D.A., Newton, G.N., Lam, H.W. and Johnson, L.R. (2023), Hydroperoxide-Mediated Degradation of Acetonitrile in the Lithium–Air Battery. Adv. Energy Mater., 13: 2300579, which has been published in final form at


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