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Exploring ionic liquids based on pyrrolidinium and imidazolium cations with low toxicity towards Escherichia coli for designing sustainable bioprocesses

Hernández-Fernández, F. J.; de los Ríos, A. P.; Licence, P.; Stephens, G.

Exploring ionic liquids based on pyrrolidinium and imidazolium cations with low toxicity towards Escherichia coli for designing sustainable bioprocesses Thumbnail


F. J. Hernández-Fernández

A. P. de los Ríos

G. Stephens


Ionic liquids (ILs) are widely applied in many bioprocesses involving microorganisms due to their unique properties. In this work, the toxicity of imidazolium and pyrrolidinium ionic liquids towards E. coli., a bacterium for which there are limited toxicity data in the literature, was determined. For its simplicity, the nephelometry method was used to estimate ionic liquid toxicity values. The influence of the cation and the alkyl chain length of the cation and anion was analysed. Pyrrolidinium cations were seen to be less toxic than imidazolium cations, while an increase in the alkyl chain length of both pyrrolidinium and imidazolium cations increased the toxicity. Among the anions studied, dimethylphosphate ([Me2PO4]) was the less toxic, while the EC50 for the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylpyrrolidinium dimethylphosphate ([C1C4Pyr][Me2PO4]) was close to 200 mM. Furthermore, a dicationic ionic liquid based on imidazolium and pyrrolidinium cations was synthetized and its toxicity toward E. coli was analysed, maintaining a growth rate of 100% in the range 0-0.76 mM. The methodology used in this work allows to easily find the less toxic ionic liquids that are biocompatible with E. coli to be used in new bioprocesses.


Hernández-Fernández, F. J., de los Ríos, A. P., Licence, P., & Stephens, G. (2022). Exploring ionic liquids based on pyrrolidinium and imidazolium cations with low toxicity towards Escherichia coli for designing sustainable bioprocesses. Journal of Biotechnology, 360, 192-197.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 2, 2022
Online Publication Date Nov 5, 2022
Publication Date Dec 10, 2022
Deposit Date Nov 7, 2022
Publicly Available Date Nov 10, 2022
Journal Journal of Biotechnology
Print ISSN 0168-1656
Electronic ISSN 1873-4863
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 360
Pages 192-197
Keywords Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; General Medicine; Biotechnology; Bioengineering
Public URL
Publisher URL


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