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Patient survey examining the experience of care of a hospital-based opt-out tobacco dependency treatment service (the CURE Project)

Hryhorskyj, Lynn; Howle, Freya; Groom, Kathryn; Moore, Ryan; Clegg, Hannah; Shackley, David; Pearce, Cheryl; Baugh, Monique; Rutherford, Michael; Huddart, Helen; Mawson, Alyshia; Manley, Emily; Hewitt, Kath; Coyne, Jane; Benbow, Elizabeth; Crossfield, Andrea; Murray, Rachael L; Evison, Matthew

Patient survey examining the experience of care of a hospital-based opt-out tobacco dependency treatment service (the CURE Project) Thumbnail


Lynn Hryhorskyj

Freya Howle

Kathryn Groom

Ryan Moore

Hannah Clegg

David Shackley

Cheryl Pearce

Monique Baugh

Michael Rutherford

Helen Huddart

Alyshia Mawson

Emily Manley

Kath Hewitt

Jane Coyne

Elizabeth Benbow

Andrea Crossfield

Matthew Evison


INTRODUCTION: Treating tobacco dependency in patients admitted to hospital is a key priority in the National Health Service long-term plan. This service evaluation assessed the perception, needs and experience of care within an opt-out hospital-based tobacco dependency treatment service (the Conversation, Understand, Replace, Experts and Evidence Base (CURE) team) in North-West England. METHODS: A survey was offered to all eligible patients between 1 July 2020 and 30 September 2020. Eligibility criteria were adult patients identified as an active smoker being approached by the CURE team as part of the standard opt-out service model, on a non-covid ward without a high suspicion of COVID-19 infection and able to read and write in English. RESULTS: 106 completed surveys were evaluated. Participants demonstrated high levels of tobacco dependency with an average of 37 years smoking history and 66% describing the onset of cravings within 30 min of hospital admission. The average number quit attempts in the previous 12 months was 1.3 but only 9% had used the most effective National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended treatments. 100% felt the opt-out service model was appropriate and 96% stated the treatment and support they had received had prompted them to consider a further quit attempt. 82% of participants rated their experience of care as 9/10 or 10/10. Participants wanted a broad range of support post discharge with the most popular option being with their general practitioner. 66% and 65% of participants would have been interested in a vaping kit as stop smoking intervention and support vaping-friendly hospital grounds respectively. CONCLUSION: These results suggest this hospital-based, opt-out tobacco dependency treatment service delivers high-quality experience of care and meets the needs of the patients it serves. It also highlights the opportunity to enhance outcomes by providing access to NICE recommended most-effective interventions (varenicline, vaping and combination nicotine replacement therapy) and providing flexible, individualised discharge pathways.


Hryhorskyj, L., Howle, F., Groom, K., Moore, R., Clegg, H., Shackley, D., Pearce, C., Baugh, M., Rutherford, M., Huddart, H., Mawson, A., Manley, E., Hewitt, K., Coyne, J., Benbow, E., Crossfield, A., Murray, R. L., & Evison, M. (2022). Patient survey examining the experience of care of a hospital-based opt-out tobacco dependency treatment service (the CURE Project). BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 9(1), Article e001334.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 11, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 10, 2022
Publication Date Oct 1, 2022
Deposit Date Nov 3, 2022
Publicly Available Date Nov 3, 2022
Journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Electronic ISSN 2052-4439
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 1
Article Number e001334
Keywords Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
Public URL
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