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Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater

Magdalane, C. Maria; Kaviyarasu, K.; Matinise, N.; Mayedwa, N.; Mongwaketsi, N.; Letsholathebe, Douglas; Mola, G.T.; Al-Dhabi, Naif Abdullah; Valan Arasu, Mariadhas; Henini, M.; Kennedy, J.; Maaza, M.; Jeyaraj, B.

Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater Thumbnail


C. Maria Magdalane

K. Kaviyarasu

N. Matinise

N. Mayedwa

N. Mongwaketsi

Douglas Letsholathebe

G.T. Mola

Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi

Mariadhas Valan Arasu

J. Kennedy

M. Maaza

B. Jeyaraj


A low energy bandgap between Ce3+ and Ce4+ states in cerium oxides, high oxygen mobility and high oxygen storage capacity are the properties that qualify them to be the most widely used heterogeneous catalysts. This present work is an account of studies that were carried out on the synthesis and catalytic properties of pure CeO2, CeO2/La2O3 based binary metal oxide nanostructures prepared by the hydrothermal method. Our results revealed that the synthesis temperature and pressure during hydrothermal reactions played a critical role in controlling the shape, size, oxygen vacancy, and low temperature reducibility in CeO2 based nanostructures. In addition, OH− ion concentration was found to play an important role in engineering the lattice constants and oxygen vacancy defects. The present report demonstrated that the hydrothermal synthesis is a facile one step approach for the preparation of compositionally homogeneous cerium based binary metal oxide nanostructures, in which CeO2/La2O3 mixed oxides have a superior low-temperature oxygen release capability compared to pure CeO2. We have also demonstrated that the nanomaterials are proved to have higher catalytic performance at low temperatures as compared to pure ceria nanoparticles.


Magdalane, C. M., Kaviyarasu, K., Matinise, N., Mayedwa, N., Mongwaketsi, N., Letsholathebe, D., Mola, G., Al-Dhabi, N. A., Valan Arasu, M., Henini, M., Kennedy, J., Maaza, M., & Jeyaraj, B. (2018). Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26, 49-60.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 17, 2018
Online Publication Date Sep 20, 2018
Publication Date Dec 31, 2018
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2018
Publicly Available Date Oct 16, 2018
Journal South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 26
Pages 49-60
Keywords CeO2:La2O3; Heterogeneous catalysts; Electron microscopy; Photocatalytic activity; RhB dye
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Oct 16, 2018


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