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Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx): a risk stratification tool in ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: A validation study (2024)
Journal Article
Lashen, A. G., Toss, M., Miligy, I., Rewcastle, E., Kiraz, U., Janssen, E. A. M., Green, A. R., Quinn, C., Ellis, I., & Rakha, E. (2024). Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx): a risk stratification tool in ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: A validation study. Histopathology, 85(3), 468-477.

In this study, we validate the use of Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx), consisting of tumour size, tumour grade, progesterone receptor (PR) and Ki67 in luminal BC.

Materials and methods
Two large cohorts of luminal early-stage BC (n = 2864) we... Read More about Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx): a risk stratification tool in ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: A validation study.

ATF4 as a Prognostic Marker and Modulator of Glutamine Metabolism in Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Alfarsi, L. H., El-Ansari, R., Masisi, B. K., Erkan, B., Fakroun, A., Ellis, I. O., Rakha, E. A., & Green, A. R. (2024). ATF4 as a Prognostic Marker and Modulator of Glutamine Metabolism in Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer. Pathobiology, 91(6), 411-421.

Purpose: ATF4, a stress-responsive transcription factor that upregulates adaptive genes, is a potential prognostic marker and modulator of glutamine metabolism in breast cancer. However, its exact role remains to be elucidated.

Methods: ATF4 expre... Read More about ATF4 as a Prognostic Marker and Modulator of Glutamine Metabolism in Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer.

Lower Humoral and Cellular Immunity Following Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Compared to Symptomatic Infection in Education (The ACE Cohort) (2024)
Journal Article
Hopkins, G., Gomez, N., Tucis, D., Bartlett, L., Steers, G., Burns, E., Brown, M., Harvey-Cowlishaw, T., Santos, R., Lauder, S. N., Scurr, M., Capitani, L., Burnell, S., Rees, T., Smart, K., Somerville, M., Gallimore, A., Perera, M., Potts, M., Metaxaki, M., …Fairclough, L. (2024). Lower Humoral and Cellular Immunity Following Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Compared to Symptomatic Infection in Education (The ACE Cohort). Journal of Clinical Immunology, 44(6), Article 147.

Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections were widely reported during the COVID-19 pandemic, acting as a hidden source of infection. Many existing studies investigating asymptomatic immunity failed to recruit true asymptomatic individuals. Thus, we... Read More about Lower Humoral and Cellular Immunity Following Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Compared to Symptomatic Infection in Education (The ACE Cohort).

Oral azacitidine compared with standard therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular helper T-cell lymphoma (ORACLE): an open-label randomised, phase 3 study (2024)
Journal Article
Dupuis, J., Bachy, E., Morschhauser, F., Cartron, G., Fukuhara, N., Daguindau, N., Casasnovas, R.-O., Snauwaert, S., Gressin, R., Fox, C. P., d'Amore, F. A., Staber, P. B., Tournilhac, O., Bouabdallah, K., Thieblemont, C., André, M., Rai, S., Ennishi, D., Gkasiamis, A., Nishio, M., …Lemonnier, F. (2024). Oral azacitidine compared with standard therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular helper T-cell lymphoma (ORACLE): an open-label randomised, phase 3 study. Lancet Haematology, 11(6), e406-e414.

Follicular helper T-cell lymphomas (TFHL) harbour frequent alterations in genes that regulate DNA methylation. Preliminary reports suggest that treatment with 5-azacitidine has clinical activity in patients with relapsed or refractory TFHL. We aimed... Read More about Oral azacitidine compared with standard therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular helper T-cell lymphoma (ORACLE): an open-label randomised, phase 3 study.

The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Lashen, A. G., Almalki, N., Toss, M., Mirza, S., Malki, M. I., Rutland, C. S., Jeyapalan, J. N., Green, A. R., Mongan, N. P., Madhusudan, S., & Rakha, E. A. (2024). The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer. Pathology, 56(6), 826-833.

Histone H1 (H.H1) is involved in chromatin organisation and gene regulation and is overexpressed in many malignant tumours, including breast cancer (BC). This study proposed and evaluated the prognostic role of H.H1 expression in BC.

H.H1 mRNA exp... Read More about The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer.

IL-33 induced gene expression in activated Th2 effector cells is dependent on IL-1RL1 haplotype and asthma status (2024)
Journal Article
Saikumar Jayalatha, A. K., Ketelaar, M. E., Hesse, L., Badi, Y. E., Zounemat-Kermani, N., Sharon, B., Dijk, N. F., van den Berge, M., Guryev, V., Sayers, I., Vonk, J. E., Adcock, I. M., Koppelman, G. H., & Nawijn, M. C. (2024). IL-33 induced gene expression in activated Th2 effector cells is dependent on IL-1RL1 haplotype and asthma status. European Respiratory Journal, 63(6), Article 2400005.

Sparsely PEGylated poly(beta-amino ester) polyplexes enhance antigen specific T-cell response of a bivalent SARS-CoV-2 DNA vaccine (2024)
Journal Article
Bayraktutan, H., Symonds, P., Brentville, V. A., Moloney, C., Galley, C., Bennett, C. L., Mata, A., Durrant, L., Alexander, C., & Gurnani, P. (2024). Sparsely PEGylated poly(beta-amino ester) polyplexes enhance antigen specific T-cell response of a bivalent SARS-CoV-2 DNA vaccine. Biomaterials, 311, Article 122647.

DNA technology has emerged as a promising route to accelerated manufacture of sequence agnostic vaccines. For activity, DNA vaccines must be protected and delivered to the correct antigen presenting cells. However, the physicochemical properties of t... Read More about Sparsely PEGylated poly(beta-amino ester) polyplexes enhance antigen specific T-cell response of a bivalent SARS-CoV-2 DNA vaccine.

Primary central nervous system lymphomas: EHA-ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (2024)
Journal Article
Ferreri, A., Illerhaus, G., Doorduijn, J., Auer, D., Bromberg, J., Calimeri, T., Cwynarski, K., Fox, C., Hoang-Xuan, K., Malaise, D., Ponzoni, M., Schorb, E., Soussain, C., Specht, L., Zucca, E., Buske, C., Jerkeman, M., & Dreyling, M. (2024). Primary central nervous system lymphomas: EHA-ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology, 35(6), 491-507.

Neuroinflammation and Lysosomal Abnormalities Characterise the Essential Role for Oxidation Resistance 1 in the Developing and Adult Cerebellum (2024)
Journal Article
Bucknor, E. M., Johnson, E., Efthymiou, S., Alvi, J. R., Sultan, T., Houlden, H., Maroofian, R., Karimiani, E. G., Finelli, M. J., & Oliver, P. L. (2024). Neuroinflammation and Lysosomal Abnormalities Characterise the Essential Role for Oxidation Resistance 1 in the Developing and Adult Cerebellum. Antioxidants, 13(6), Article 685.

Loss-of-function mutations in the TLDc family of proteins cause a range of severe childhood-onset neurological disorders with common clinical features that include cerebellar neurodegeneration, ataxia and epilepsy. Of these proteins, oxidation resist... Read More about Neuroinflammation and Lysosomal Abnormalities Characterise the Essential Role for Oxidation Resistance 1 in the Developing and Adult Cerebellum.

Protein Oxidative Modifications in Neurodegenerative Diseases: From Advances in Detection and Modelling to Their Use as Disease Biomarkers (2024)
Journal Article
Anjo, S. I., He, Z., Hussain, Z., Farooq, A., McIntyre, A., Laughton, C. A., Carvalho, A. N., & Finelli, M. J. (2024). Protein Oxidative Modifications in Neurodegenerative Diseases: From Advances in Detection and Modelling to Their Use as Disease Biomarkers. Antioxidants, 13(6), Article 681.

Oxidation–reduction post-translational modifications (redox-PTMs) are chemical alterations to amino acids of proteins. Redox-PTMs participate in the regulation of protein conformation, localization and function, acting as signalling effectors that im... Read More about Protein Oxidative Modifications in Neurodegenerative Diseases: From Advances in Detection and Modelling to Their Use as Disease Biomarkers.