A Nested Petri Net Fault Tree Approach For System Dependency Modelling
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tolo, S., & Andrews, J. (2023, September). A Nested Petri Net Fault Tree Approach For System Dependency Modelling. Presented at 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), Southampton, UK
Outputs (17)
A nested Petri Net – Fault Tree approach for modelling complex failure behaviour in engineering systems (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tolo, S., & Andrews, J. (2023, July). A nested Petri Net – Fault Tree approach for modelling complex failure behaviour in engineering systems. Presented at 12th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), Nottingham, UK
Fault Tree Analysis Including Component Dependencies (2023)
Journal Article
Tolo, S., & Andrews, J. (2024). Fault Tree Analysis Including Component Dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 73(1), 413-421. https://doi.org/10.1109/TR.2023.3264943Fault Tree analysis is not only the most common technique used in engineering practice for the estimation of system reliability, but is also a key tool shared between designers, analysts and regulators for safe operation and licensing purposes. In sp... Read More about Fault Tree Analysis Including Component Dependencies.
Dependent and Dynamic Tree Theory (D2T2 ) for Event Tree Applications (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tolo, S., & Andrews, J. (2023, April). Dependent and Dynamic Tree Theory (D2T2 ) for Event Tree Applications. Presented at 62nd ESReDA Seminar, University of Twente, the NetherlandsThe demand for innovative and effective computational tools able to improve the accuracy of present modelling methodologies has been fuelled by the ever-increasing complexity of engineering systems. In spite of their shortcomings, such as their inabi... Read More about Dependent and Dynamic Tree Theory (D2T2 ) for Event Tree Applications.
Dynamic safety and degradation analysis of an aircraft internal air system (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tolo, S., Andrews, J., Thatcher, I., & Stamp, D. (2023, April). Dynamic safety and degradation analysis of an aircraft internal air system. Presented at 62nd ESReDA Seminar, University of Twente, the NetherlandsThe modelling of the dynamic behaviour of engineering systems offers an invaluable insight in the evolution of degradation and response of systems to failure and represents an essential step to lay the basis for resilience analysis. While traditional... Read More about Dynamic safety and degradation analysis of an aircraft internal air system.
The Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D2T2 ) methodology Developed for Fault Tree Analysis (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Andrews, J., & Tolo, S. (2023, April). The Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D2T2 ) methodology Developed for Fault Tree Analysis. Presented at 62nd ESReDA Seminar, University of Twente, the NetherlandsFault Tree Analysis (FTA) has its origins back in the 1960’s with the mathematical framework, known as Kinetic Tree Theory (KTT) added at the end of the decade by Vesely. In KTT the analysis of the fault tree is performed in two stages. The first sta... Read More about The Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D2T2 ) methodology Developed for Fault Tree Analysis.
Dynamic and dependent tree theory (D2T2): A framework for the analysis of fault trees with dependent basic events (2022)
Journal Article
Andrews, J., & Tolo, S. (2023). Dynamic and dependent tree theory (D2T2): A framework for the analysis of fault trees with dependent basic events. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230, Article 108959. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2022.108959Fault tree analysis remains the most commonly employed method, particularly in the safety critical industries, to predict the probability or frequency of system failures. Whilst it has its origins back in the 1960s, the assumptions employed in the ma... Read More about Dynamic and dependent tree theory (D2T2): A framework for the analysis of fault trees with dependent basic events.
An integrated modelling framework for complex systems safety analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Tolo, S., & Andrews, J. (2022). An integrated modelling framework for complex systems safety analysis. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 38(8), 4330-4350. https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.3212The ever-increasing complexity of engineering systems has fuelled the need for novel and efficient computational tools able to enhance the accuracy of current modelling strategies for industrial systems. Indeed, traditional Fault and Event Tree techn... Read More about An integrated modelling framework for complex systems safety analysis.
Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D 2 T 2 ): A Fault Tree Analysis Framework (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Andrews, J., & Tolo, S. (2022, August). Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D 2 T 2 ): A Fault Tree Analysis Framework. Presented at 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), Dublin, IrelandA modelling framework, known as Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory, is provided which overcomes restrictions in the Kinetic Tree Theory developed in the 1970s for the analysis of fault trees. Kinetic Tree Theory assumes basic events to be independent... Read More about Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D 2 T 2 ): A Fault Tree Analysis Framework.
A Petri Net approach to the Risk Analysis of Jet Engines (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tolo, S., Andrews, J., Thatcher, I., & Stamp, D. (2022, August). A Petri Net approach to the Risk Analysis of Jet Engines. Presented at 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), Dublin, IrelandTraditional risk analysis techniques such as Fault Trees and Event Trees fail to model complex aspects of systems behaviour such as components dependencies, degradation, limiting their capability of representing modern engineering systems. This is al... Read More about A Petri Net approach to the Risk Analysis of Jet Engines.