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Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia (2018)
Journal Article
Cox, E. F., Palaniyappan, N., Aithal, G. P., Guha, I. N., & Francis, S. T. (in press). Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Background: Non-invasive assessment of dynamic changes in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may allow detection of subtle haemodynamic alterations in cirrhosis.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of... Read More about Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia.

Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (2018)
Journal Article
Bradley, C. R., Cox, E. F., Scott, R. A., James, M. W., Kaye, P., Aithal, G. P., Francis, S. T., & Guha, I. N. (2018). Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Hepatology, 69(5), 1015-1024.

Background and Aims: Advancing liver disease results in deleterious changes in a number of critical organs. The ability to measure structure, blood flow and tissue perfusion within multiple organs in a single scan has implications for determining the... Read More about Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.