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The Lyman α forest flux probability distribution at z>3 (2012)
Journal Article
Calura, F., Tescari, E., D’Odorico, V., Viel, M., Cristiani, S., Kim, T.-S., & Bolton, J. (2012). The Lyman α forest flux probability distribution at z>3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422(4), 3019-3036.

We present a measurement of the Lyman α flux probability distribution function (PDF) obtained from a set of eight high-resolution quasar spectra with emission redshifts in the range 3.3 ≤z≤ 3.8. We carefully study the effect of metal absorption lines... Read More about The Lyman α forest flux probability distribution at z>3.

Dynamical simulations of electroweak baryogenesis with fermions (2012)
Journal Article
Saffin, P. M., & Tranberg, A. (2012). Dynamical simulations of electroweak baryogenesis with fermions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(2), Article 102.

We perform real-time numerical lattice simulations of a one-family version of the Standard Model. We model the quantum fermions using the ensemble method and treat the bosonic scalar and non-abelian gauge fields classically. Our main interest is elec... Read More about Dynamical simulations of electroweak baryogenesis with fermions.

General second-order scalar-tensor theory and self-tuning (2012)
Journal Article
Charmousis, C., Copeland, E. J., Saffin, P. M., & Padilla, A. (2012). General second-order scalar-tensor theory and self-tuning. Physical Review Letters, 108(5), Article 051101.

Starting from the most general scalar-tensor theory with second order field equations in four dimensions, we establish the unique action that will allow for the existence of a consistent self-tuning mechanism on FLRW backgrounds, and show how it can... Read More about General second-order scalar-tensor theory and self-tuning.

Improved measurements of the intergalactic medium temperature around quasars: possible evidence for the initial stages of He-II reionisation at z~6 (2012)
Journal Article
S. Bolton, J., D. Becker, G., Raskutti, S., Stuart B. Wyithe, J., G. Haehnelt, M., & L. W. Sargent, W. (2012). Improved measurements of the intergalactic medium temperature around quasars: possible evidence for the initial stages of He-II reionisation at z~6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(4), 2880–2892.

We present measurements of the intergalactic medium (IGM) temperature within ~5 proper Mpc of seven luminous quasars at z~6. The constraints are obtained from the Doppler widths of Lyman-alpha absorption lines in the quasar near-zones and build upon... Read More about Improved measurements of the intergalactic medium temperature around quasars: possible evidence for the initial stages of He-II reionisation at z~6.

A novel receive-only liquid nitrogen (LN2)-cooled RF coil for high-resolution in vivo imaging on a 3-Tesla whole-body scanner (2012)
Journal Article
Hu, B., Varma, G., Randell, C., Keevil, S. F., Schaeffter, T., & Glover, P. (2012). A novel receive-only liquid nitrogen (LN2)-cooled RF coil for high-resolution in vivo imaging on a 3-Tesla whole-body scanner. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(1),

The design and operation of a receive-only liquid nitrogen (LN2)-cooled coil and cryostat suitable for medical imaging on a 3-T whole-body magnetic resonance scanner is presented. The coil size, optimized for murine imaging, was determined by using... Read More about A novel receive-only liquid nitrogen (LN2)-cooled RF coil for high-resolution in vivo imaging on a 3-Tesla whole-body scanner.

Magnetic field effects on the vestibular system: calculation of the pressure on the cupula due to ionic current-induced Lorentz force (2012)
Journal Article
Antunes, A., Glover, P., Li, Y., Mian, O., & Day, B. (2012). Magnetic field effects on the vestibular system: calculation of the pressure on the cupula due to ionic current-induced Lorentz force. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57(14),

Large static magnetic fields may be employed in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). At high magnetic field strengths (usually from about 3 tesla and above) it is possible for humans to perceive a number of effects. One such effect is mild vertigo. Rece... Read More about Magnetic field effects on the vestibular system: calculation of the pressure on the cupula due to ionic current-induced Lorentz force.

Fast, large-volume, GPU-enabled simulations for the Lyα forest: power spectrum forecasts for baryon acoustic oscillation experiments (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). Fast, large-volume, GPU-enabled simulations for the Lyα forest: power spectrum forecasts for baryon acoustic oscillation experiments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418(3), 1980-1993.

High-redshift measurements of the baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale from large Lyα forest surveys represent the next frontier of dark energy studies. As part of this effort, efficient simulations of the BAO signature from the Lyα forest will... Read More about Fast, large-volume, GPU-enabled simulations for the Lyα forest: power spectrum forecasts for baryon acoustic oscillation experiments.

Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms (2011)
Journal Article
Olmos, B., Li, W., Hofferberth, S., & Lesanovsky, I. (2011). Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms. Physical Review A, 84(4), Article 041607(R).

We present a method for amplifying a single or scattered impurities immersed in a background gas of ultracold atoms so that they can be optically imaged and spatially resolved. Our approach relies on a Raman transfer between two stable atomic hyperfi... Read More about Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms.

Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary (2011)
Journal Article
Moss, I. G., Omotani, J. T., & Saffin, P. M. (2011). Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(10),

This paper constructs the reduction of heterotic M-theory in eleven dimensions to a supergravity model on a manifold with boundary in five dimensions using a Calabi-Yau three-fold. New results are presented for the boundary terms in the action and fo... Read More about Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary.