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Reference layer artefact subtraction (RLAS): A novel method of minimizing EEG artefacts during simultaneous fMRI (2013)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, M. E., Mullinger, K. J., Glover, P., & Bowtell, R. W. (2014). Reference layer artefact subtraction (RLAS): A novel method of minimizing EEG artefacts during simultaneous fMRI. NeuroImage, 84, 307-319.

Large artefacts compromise EEG data quality during simultaneous fMRI. These artefact voltages pose heavy demands on the bandwidth and dynamic range of EEG amplifiers and mean that even small fractional variations in the artefact voltages give rise to... Read More about Reference layer artefact subtraction (RLAS): A novel method of minimizing EEG artefacts during simultaneous fMRI.

Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity (2013)
Journal Article
Mullinger, K. J., Mayhew, S. D., Bagshaw, A. P., Bowtell, R., & Francis, S. T. (2013). Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(33),

fMRI is the foremost technique for noninvasive measurement of human brain function. However, its utility is limited by an incomplete understanding of the relationship between neuronal activity and the hemodynamic response. Though the primary peak of... Read More about Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity.

Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation projections in multi-field inflation (2013)
Journal Article
Gordon, C., & Saffin, P. M. (2013). Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation projections in multi-field inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013(8), Article 021.

Current data are in good agreement with the predictions of single field inflation. However, the hemispherical asymmetry seen in the cosmic microwave background data, may hint at a potential problem. Generalizing to multi-field models may provide one... Read More about Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation projections in multi-field inflation.

Comparative study of in situ N2 rotational Raman spectroscopy methods for probing energy thermalisation processes during spin-exchange optical pumping (2013)
Journal Article
Newton, H., Walkup, L. L., Whiting, N., West, L., Carriere, J., Havermeyer, F., Ho, L., Morris, P., Goodson, B. M., & Barlow, M. J. (2014). Comparative study of in situ N2 rotational Raman spectroscopy methods for probing energy thermalisation processes during spin-exchange optical pumping. Applied Physics B, 115(2), 167-172.

Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) has been widely used to produce enhancements in nuclear spin polarisation for hyperpolarised noble gases. However, some key fundamental physical processes underlying SEOP remain poorly understood, particularly in... Read More about Comparative study of in situ N2 rotational Raman spectroscopy methods for probing energy thermalisation processes during spin-exchange optical pumping.

Characterisation of faecal protease activity in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea: origin and effect of gut transit (2013)
Journal Article
Tooth, D., Garsed, K., Singh, G., Marciani, L., Lam, C., Fordham, I., Fields, A., Banwait, R., Lingaya, M., Layfield, R., Hastings, M., Whorwell, P., & Spiller, R. C. (2014). Characterisation of faecal protease activity in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea: origin and effect of gut transit. Gut, 63(5), 753-760.

Dynamics of a vertical cavity quantum cascade phonon laser structure (2013)
Journal Article
Maryam, W., Akimov, A. V., Campion, R., & Kent, A. (2013). Dynamics of a vertical cavity quantum cascade phonon laser structure. Nature Communications, 4, Article 2184.

Driven primarily by scientific curiosity, but also by the potential applications of intense sources of coherent sound, researchers have targeted the phonon laser (saser) since the invention of the optical laser over 50 years ago. Here we fabricate a... Read More about Dynamics of a vertical cavity quantum cascade phonon laser structure.

Duality and decay of macroscopic F-strings (2013)
Journal Article
Skliros, D. P., Copeland, E. J., & Saffin, P. M. (2013). Duality and decay of macroscopic F-strings. Physical Review Letters, 111(4), Article 041601.

We study the decay of fundamental string loops of arbitrary size L/min(n,m)≫√α′, labeled by (n, m; λn, ¯λm), where n, m correspond to left- and right-mover harmonics and λn, ¯λm to polarization tensors, and find that a description in terms of the rec... Read More about Duality and decay of macroscopic F-strings.

Magnetostrictive thin films for microwave spintronics (2013)
Journal Article
Parkes, D., Shelford, L., Wadley, P., Holy, V., Wang, M., Hindmarch, A., van der Laan, G., Edmonds, K., Campion, R., Cavill, S., & Rushforth, A. (2013). Magnetostrictive thin films for microwave spintronics. Scientific Reports, 3, Article 2220.

Multiferroic composite materials, consisting of coupled ferromagnetic and piezoelectric phases, are of great importance in the drive towards creating faster, smaller and more energy efficient devices for information and communications technologies. S... Read More about Magnetostrictive thin films for microwave spintronics.

Coherent time evolution and boundary conditions of two-photon quantum walks in waveguide arrays (2013)
Journal Article
D. A. Meinecke, J., Poulios, K., Politi, A., C. F. Matthews, J., Peruzzo, A., Ismail, N., Wörhoff, K., L. O'Brien, J., & G. Thompson, M. (2013). Coherent time evolution and boundary conditions of two-photon quantum walks in waveguide arrays. Physical Review A, 88(1), Article 012308.

Multi-photon quantum walks in integrated optics are an attractive controlled quantum system, that can mimic less readily accessible quantum systems and exhibit behavior that cannot in general be accurately replicated by classical light without an exp... Read More about Coherent time evolution and boundary conditions of two-photon quantum walks in waveguide arrays.