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Outputs (210)

Quantifying MRI frequency shifts due to structures with anisotropic magnetic susceptibility using pyrolytic graphite sheet (2018)
Journal Article
Cronin, M., & Bowtell, R. W. (2018). Quantifying MRI frequency shifts due to structures with anisotropic magnetic susceptibility using pyrolytic graphite sheet. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 6259.

Magnetic susceptibility is an important source of contrast in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with spatial variations in the susceptibility of tissue affecting both the magnitude and phase of the measured signals. This contrast has generally been i... Read More about Quantifying MRI frequency shifts due to structures with anisotropic magnetic susceptibility using pyrolytic graphite sheet.

Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood (2018)
Journal Article
Albaugh, M., Ivanova, M., Chaarani, B., Orr, C., Allgaier, N., Althoff, R., D'Alberto, N., Hudson, K., Mackey, S., Spechler, P., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Bromberg, U., Cattrell, A., J.Conrod, P., & Gowland, P. (2019). Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 29(5), 1866-1874.

Youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology often exhibit residual inattention and/or hyperactivity in adulthood; however, this is not true for all individuals. We recently reported that dimensional, multi-informant ratings of... Read More about Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood.

Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states (2018)
Journal Article
Jammi, S., Pyragius, T., Bason, M. G., Florez, H. M., & Fernholz, T. (2018). Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states. Physical Review A, 97(4), Article 043416.

We introduce a method to dispersively detect alkali atoms in radio-frequency dressed states. In particular, we use dressed detection to measure populations and population differences of atoms prepared in their clock states. Linear birefringence of th... Read More about Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states.

Testing star formation laws in a starburst galaxy at redshift 3 resolved with ALMA (2018)
Journal Article
Sharda, P., Federrath, C., da Cunha, E., Swinbank, A., & Dye, S. (2018). Testing star formation laws in a starburst galaxy at redshift 3 resolved with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(4), 4380-4390.

Using high-resolution (sub-kiloparsec scale) data obtained by ALMA, we analyse the star formation rate (SFR), gas content, and kinematics in SDP 81, a gravitationally lensed starburst galaxy at redshift 3. We estimate the SFR surface density (ΣSFR) i... Read More about Testing star formation laws in a starburst galaxy at redshift 3 resolved with ALMA.

Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy (2018)
Journal Article
Cerreia Vioglio, P., Mollica, G., Juramy, M., E. Hughes, C., Andrew Williams, P., Ziarelli, F., Viel, S., Thureau, P., & D. M. Harris, K. (2018). Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(22), 6619-6623.

In situ solid-state NMR spectroscopy is exploited to monitor the structural evolution of a glycine/water glass phase formed on flash cooling an aqueous solution of glycine, with a range of modern solid-state NMR methods applied to elucidate structura... Read More about Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.

Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy (2018)
Journal Article
Cerreia Vioglio, P., Mollica, G., Juramy, M., E. Hughes, C., Andrew Williams, P., Ziarelli, F., Viel, S., Thureau, P., & D. M. Harris, K. (2018). Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie, 130(22), 6729-6733.

In situ solid-state NMR spectroscopy is exploited to monitor the structural evolution of a glycine/water glass phase formed on flash cooling an aqueous solution of glycine, with a range of modern solid-state NMR methods applied to elucidate structura... Read More about Insights into the Crystallization and Structural Evolution of Glycine Dihydrate by In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.

HST Grism Confirmation of 16 Structures at 1.4<z<2.8 from the Clusters Around Radio-Loud AGN (CARLA) Survey (2018)
Preprint / Working Paper
Noirot, G., Stern, D., Mei, S., Wylezalek, D., Cooke, E. A., De Breuck, C., Galametz, A., Hatch, N. A., Vernet, J., Brodwin, M., Eisenhardt, P., Gonzalez, A. H., Jarvis, M., Rettura, A., Seymour, N., & Stanford, S. HST Grism Confirmation of 16 Structures at 1.4

We report spectroscopic results from our 40-orbit Hubble Space Telescope slitless grism spectroscopy program observing the 20 densest CARLA candidate galaxy clusters at 1.4<z<2.8. These candidate rich structures, among the richest and most distant kn...

Spatial band-pass filtering aids decoding musical genres from auditory cortex 7T fMRI (2018)
Journal Article
Sengupta, A., Pollmann, S., & Hanke, M. (2018). Spatial band-pass filtering aids decoding musical genres from auditory cortex 7T fMRI. F1000Research, 7,

Spatial filtering strategies, combined with multivariate decoding analysis of BOLD images, have been used to investigate the nature of the neural signal underlying the discriminability of brain activity patterns evoked by sensory stimulation – primar... Read More about Spatial band-pass filtering aids decoding musical genres from auditory cortex 7T fMRI.

Pretreatment lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with hepatitis C virus infection diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma after initiating direct-acting antiviral therapy (2018)
Journal Article
Scott, R. A., Aithal, G. P., Francis, S. T., & Irving, W. L. (2018). Pretreatment lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with hepatitis C virus infection diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma after initiating direct-acting antiviral therapy. Gastroenterology, 154(6),

SDSS-IV MaNGA: Star Formation Cessation in Low-redshift Galaxies. I. Dependence on Stellar Mass and Structural Properties (2018)
Journal Article
Riffel, R., Wang, E., Li, C., Xiao, T., Lin, L., Bershady, M., Law, D. R., Merrifield, M., Sanchez, S. F., Riffel, R. A., Riffel, R., & Yan, R. (in press). SDSS-IV MaNGA: Star Formation Cessation in Low-redshift Galaxies. I. Dependence on Stellar Mass and Structural Properties. Astrophysical Journal, 856(2),

We investigate radial gradients in the recent star formation history (SFH) of 1917 MaNGA galaxies with 0.01 < z < 0.14. For each galaxy, we obtain two-dimensional maps and radial profiles for three spectroscopically-measured parameters that are sensi... Read More about SDSS-IV MaNGA: Star Formation Cessation in Low-redshift Galaxies. I. Dependence on Stellar Mass and Structural Properties.