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Spots: breathing, drifting and scattering in a neural field model (2014)
Book Chapter
Coombes, S., Schmidt, H., & Avitabile, D. (2014). Spots: breathing, drifting and scattering in a neural field model. In S. Coombs, P. Beim Graben, R. Potthast, & J. Wright (Eds.), Neural fields: theory and applications (187-211). Springer.

Two dimensional neural field models with short range excitation and long range inhibition can exhibit localised solutions in the form of spots. Moreover, with the inclusion of a spike frequency adaptation current, these models can also support breath... Read More about Spots: breathing, drifting and scattering in a neural field model.

Travelling waves in models of neural tissue: from localised structures to periodic waves (2014)
Journal Article
Meijer, H., & Coombes, S. (2014). Travelling waves in models of neural tissue: from localised structures to periodic waves. EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics, 2(3),

We consider travelling waves (fronts, pulses and periodics) in spatially extended one dimensional neural field models. We demonstrate for an excitatory field with linear adaptation that, in addition to an expected stable pulse solution, a stable anti... Read More about Travelling waves in models of neural tissue: from localised structures to periodic waves.