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Theoretical approaches to understanding root vascular patterning: a consensus between recent models (2016)
Journal Article
Mellor, N., Adibi, M., El-Showk, S., De Rybel, B., King, J., Mähönen, A. P., Weijers, D., & Bishopp, A. (in press). Theoretical approaches to understanding root vascular patterning: a consensus between recent models. Journal of Experimental Botany,

The root vascular tissues provide an excellent system for studying organ patterning, as the specification of these tissues signals a transition from radial symmetry to bisymmetric patterns. The patterning process is controlled by the combined action... Read More about Theoretical approaches to understanding root vascular patterning: a consensus between recent models.

Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis (2016)
Journal Article
Ferguson, A., Pearce, S., Band, L. R., Yang, C., Ferjentsikova, I., King, J., Yuan, Z., Zhang, D., & Wilson, Z. A. (in press). Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 213,

Viable pollen is essential for plant reproduction and crop yield. Its production requires coordinated expression at specific stages during anther development, involving early meiosis-associated events and late pollen wall formation. The ABORTED MICRO... Read More about Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis.

Hybrid vertex-midline modelling of elongated plant organs (2016)
Journal Article
Fozard, J. A., Bennett, M. J., King, J. R., & Jensen, O. E. (2016). Hybrid vertex-midline modelling of elongated plant organs. Interface Focus, 6(5), Article 20160043.

We describe a method for the simulation of the growth of elongated plant organs, such as seedling roots. By combining a midline representation of the organ on a tissue scale and a vertex-based representation on the cell scale, we obtain a multiscale... Read More about Hybrid vertex-midline modelling of elongated plant organs.

Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis (2016)
Journal Article
Mellor, N. L., Band, L. R., Pěnčík, A., Novak, O., Rashed, A., Holman, T., Wilson, M. H., Voss, U., Bishopp, A., King, J. R., Ljung, K., Bennett, M. J., & Owen, M. R. (2016). Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(39), 11022-11027.

Auxin is a key hormone regulating plant growth and development. We combine experiments and mathematical modeling to reveal how auxin levels are maintained via feedback regulation of genes encoding key metabolic enzymes. We describe how regulation of... Read More about Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis.

The effects of insulin resistance on individual tissues: an application of a mathematical model of metabolism in humans (2016)
Journal Article
Pearson, T., Wattis, J. A., King, J., McDonald, I., & Mazzatti, D. (in press). The effects of insulin resistance on individual tissues: an application of a mathematical model of metabolism in humans. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78(6),

Whilst the human body expends energy constantly, the human diet consists of a mix of carbohydrates and fats delivered in a discontinuous manner. To deal with this sporadic supply of energy, there are transport, storage and utilisation mechanisms, for... Read More about The effects of insulin resistance on individual tissues: an application of a mathematical model of metabolism in humans.

A multi-scale model of the interplay between cell signalling and hormone transport in specifying the root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana (2016)
Journal Article
Muraro, D., Larrieu, A., Lucas, M., Chopard, J., Byrne, H. M., Godin, C., & King, J. R. (in press). A multi-scale model of the interplay between cell signalling and hormone transport in specifying the root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 404,

The growth of the root of Arabidopsis thaliana is sustained by the meristem, a region of cell proliferation and differentiation which is located in the root apex and generates cells which move shootwards, expanding rapidly to cause root growth. The b... Read More about A multi-scale model of the interplay between cell signalling and hormone transport in specifying the root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana.

Multicellular mathematical modelling of mesendoderm formation in amphibians (2016)
Journal Article
Brown, L., Middleton, A., King, J., & Loose, M. (2016). Multicellular mathematical modelling of mesendoderm formation in amphibians. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78(3), 436-467.

The earliest cell fate decisions in a developing embryo are those associated with establishing the germ layers. The specification of the mesoderm and endoderm is of particular interest as the mesoderm is induced from the endoderm, potentially from an... Read More about Multicellular mathematical modelling of mesendoderm formation in amphibians.