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Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning (2025)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, D., Elliott, C. A., O’Keeffe, A. G., Rodionov, R., Li, K., Vakharia, V. N., Mirza, F. A., Zubair Tahir, M., Tisdall, M. M., Miserocchi, A., McEvoy, A. W., Ourselin, S., Sparks, R. E., & Duncan, J. S. (2025). Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning. Frontiers in Neurology, 16, Article 1514442.

To refine computer-assisted planning (CAP) of SEEG implantations by adding constraints of prior spatial SEEG trajectories (‘Priors’) to improve safety, reduce manual adjustments required, without increasing planning time.

Retr... Read More about Computer-Assisted Stereo-Electroencephalography Planning: Centre-Specific Priors Enhance Planning.

Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling (2025)
Journal Article
Dari, S., O'Dea, R. D., & Fadai, N. T. (2025). Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Article 112083.

Understanding the biochemistry and pharmacodynamics of chronic wounds is of key importance, due to the millions of people in the UK affected and the significant cost to the NHS. Chronic wounds are characterised by elevated concentrations of matrix me... Read More about Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling.

Infinitesimal 2-braidings from 2-shifted Poisson structures (2025)
Journal Article
Kemp, C., Laugwitz, R., & Schenkel, A. (2025). Infinitesimal 2-braidings from 2-shifted Poisson structures. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 212, Article 105456.

It is shown that every 2-shifted Poisson structure on a finitely generated semi-free commutative differential graded algebra A defines a very explicit infinitesimal 2-braiding on the homotopy 2-category of the symmetric monoidal dg-category of finite... Read More about Infinitesimal 2-braidings from 2-shifted Poisson structures.

The conversationality index: A quantitative assessment of conversation in social media interactions (2025)
Journal Article
Cotgrove, L., Thul, R., & Conklin, K. (2025). The conversationality index: A quantitative assessment of conversation in social media interactions. Internet Pragmatics,

There has been an explosion in social media use, with Statista estimating that worldwide, Facebook has over 3 billion regular active users, YouTube 2.5 billion, and Instagram and WhatsApp 2 billion. While social media allows one to connect and intera... Read More about The conversationality index: A quantitative assessment of conversation in social media interactions.

Kerr metric from two commuting complex structures (2025)
Journal Article
Krasnov, K., & Shaw, A. (in press). Kerr metric from two commuting complex structures. Classical and Quantum Gravity,

The main aim of this paper is to simplify and popularise the construction from the 2013 paper by Apostolov, Calderbank, and Gauduchon, which (among other things) derives the Pleba´nskiPleba´nski-Demia´nskiDemia´nski family of solutions of GR using id... Read More about Kerr metric from two commuting complex structures.

Smoothing of the higher-order stokes phenomenon (2025)
Journal Article
Howls, C. J., King, J. R., Nemes, G., & Olde Daalhuis, A. B. (2025). Smoothing of the higher-order stokes phenomenon. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 154(2), Article e70008.

For over a century, the Stokes phenomenon had been perceived as a discontinuous change in the asymptotic representation of a function. In 1989, Berry demonstrated it is possible to smooth this discontinuity in broad classes of problems with the prefa... Read More about Smoothing of the higher-order stokes phenomenon.

Local h∗-polynomials for one-row Hermite normal form simplices (2025)
Journal Article
Bajo, E., Braun, B., Codenotti, G., Hofscheier, J., & Vindas-Meléndez, A. R. (2025). Local h∗-polynomials for one-row Hermite normal form simplices. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry,

The local h∗-polynomial of a lattice polytope is an important invariant arising in Ehrhart theory. Our focus is on lattice simplices presented in Hermite normal form with a single non-trivial row. We prove that when the off-diagonal entries are fixed... Read More about Local h∗-polynomials for one-row Hermite normal form simplices.

Probing hidden topology with quantum detectors (2025)
Journal Article
Bhattacharya, D., Louko, J., & Mann, R. B. (2025). Probing hidden topology with quantum detectors. Physical Review D, 111(4), Article 045005.

We consider the transition rate of a static Unruh-DeWitt detector in two (2+1)-dimensional black hole spacetimes that are isometric to the static Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole outside the horizon but have no asymptotically locally anti-de Sit... Read More about Probing hidden topology with quantum detectors.

Lorentzian bordisms in algebraic quantum field theory (2025)
Journal Article
Bunk, S., MacManus, J., & Schenkel, A. (2025). Lorentzian bordisms in algebraic quantum field theory. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 115, Article 16.

It is shown that every algebraic quantum field theory has an underlying functorial field theory which is defined on a suitable globally hyperbolic Lorentzian bordism pseudo-category. This means that globally hyperbolic Lorentzian bordisms between Cau... Read More about Lorentzian bordisms in algebraic quantum field theory.