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Outputs (119)

Inertial-visual pose tracking using optical flow-aided particle filtering (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Moemeni, A., & Tatham, E. (2014, December). Inertial-visual pose tracking using optical flow-aided particle filtering. Presented at 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing (CIMSIVP), Orlando, FL, USA

This paper proposes an algorithm for visual-inertial camera pose tracking, using adaptive recursive particle filtering. The method benefits from the agility of inertial-based and robustness of vision-based tracking. A proposal distribution has been d... Read More about Inertial-visual pose tracking using optical flow-aided particle filtering.

Exploring the Relationship between Location and Behaviour in Out of Hours Hospital Care (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brown, M., Pinchin, J., Blum, J., Sharples, S., Shaw, D., Housley, G., Howard, S., Jackson, S., Flintham, M., Benning, K., & Blakey, J. (2014, June). Exploring the Relationship between Location and Behaviour in Out of Hours Hospital Care

'Out of Hours' (OoH) hospital care involves a small number of doctors covering a very large number of patients. These doctors are working in stressful environments, performing complex tasks and making difficult task prioritisation decisions, yet litt... Read More about Exploring the Relationship between Location and Behaviour in Out of Hours Hospital Care.

Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers (2014)
Journal Article
Havens, T. C., Anderson, D. T., & Wagner, C. (2015). Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(5),

The fuzzy integral (FI) with respect to a fuzzy measure (FM) is a powerful means of aggregating information. The most popular FIs are the Choquet and Sugeno, and most research focuses on these two variants. The arena of the FM is much more populated,... Read More about Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers.

A tensor-based selection hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search (2014)
Journal Article
Asta, S., & Özcan, E. (2015). A tensor-based selection hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search. Information Sciences, 299,

Hyper-heuristics have emerged as automated high level search methodologies that manage a set of low level heuristics for solving computationally hard problems. A generic selection hyper-heuristic combines heuristic selection and move acceptance metho... Read More about A tensor-based selection hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search.

An apprenticeship learning hyper-heuristic for vehicle routing in HyFlex (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Asta, S., & Özcan, E. An apprenticeship learning hyper-heuristic for vehicle routing in HyFlex. Presented at 2014 IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Autonomous Learning Systems (EALS)

Apprenticeship learning occurs via observations while an expert is in action. A hyper-heuristic is a search method or a learning mechanism that controls a set of low level heuristics or combines different heuristic components to generate heuristics f... Read More about An apprenticeship learning hyper-heuristic for vehicle routing in HyFlex.

A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sathiaseelan, A., Mortier, R., Goulden, M., Greiffenhagen, C., Radenkovic, M., Crowcroft, J., & McAuley, D. (2014, December). A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network. Presented at ACM DEV 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computing for Development, San Jose, California, USA

© 2014 ACM. Universal Internet access has become critical to modern life, leading to many explorations of approaches to increase its availability. In this paper we report on a study of one such approach, PAWS, that seeks to understand the technical a... Read More about A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network.

Hybridising heuristics within an estimation distribution algorithm for examination timetabling (2014)
Journal Article
Qu, R., Pham, D. N. T., Bai, R., & Kendall, G. (2015). Hybridising heuristics within an estimation distribution algorithm for examination timetabling. Applied Intelligence, 42(4), 679-693.

This paper presents a hybrid hyper-heuristic approach based on estimation distribution algorithms. The main motivation is to raise the level of generality for search methodologies. The objective of the hyper-heuristic is to produce solutions of accep... Read More about Hybridising heuristics within an estimation distribution algorithm for examination timetabling.

Elicitation of strategies in four variants of a round-robin tournament: the case of Goofspiel (2014)
Journal Article
Dror, M., Kendall, G., & Rapoport, A. (2016). Elicitation of strategies in four variants of a round-robin tournament: the case of Goofspiel. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 8(3),

Goofspiel is a simple two-person zero-sum game for which there exist no known equilibrium strategies. To gain insight into what constitute winning strategies, we conducted a round-robin tournament in which participants were asked to provide computeri... Read More about Elicitation of strategies in four variants of a round-robin tournament: the case of Goofspiel.

On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images (2014)
Journal Article
Mairhofer, S., Sturrock, C., Wells, D. M., Bennett, M. J., Mooney, S. J., & Pridmore, T. P. (2014). On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images. Functional Plant Biology, 42(5), 460-470.

© CSIRO 2015. X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) allows nondestructive visualisation of plant root systems within their soil environment and thus offers an alternative to the commonly used destructive methodologies for the examination of plant root... Read More about On the evaluation of methods for the recovery of plant root systems from X-ray computed tomography images.

Doing it for themselves: the practices of amateur musicians and DIY music networks in a digital age (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hoare, M., Benford, S., Greenhalgh, C., & Chamberlain, A. Doing it for themselves: the practices of amateur musicians and DIY music networks in a digital age. Presented at DMRN+9: Digital Music Research Network (EPSRC)

A fast expanding network of DIY music communities in the UK see digital technologies transforming ways in which part-time amateur musicians are able to collabo- rate creatively and form alliances, producing unique per- formance techniques, experiment... Read More about Doing it for themselves: the practices of amateur musicians and DIY music networks in a digital age.