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Outputs (391)

Transfer of thawed frozen embryo versus fresh embryo to improve the healthy baby rate in women undergoing IVF: the E-Freeze RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Maheshwari, A., Bari, V., Bell, J. L., Bhattacharya, S., Bhide, P., Bowler, U., Brison, D., Child, T., Chong, H. Y., Cheong, Y., Cole, C., Coomarasamy, A., Cutting, R., Goodgame, F., Hardy, P., Hamoda, H., Juszczak, E., Khalaf, Y., King, A., Kurinczuk, J. J., …Troup, S. (2022). Transfer of thawed frozen embryo versus fresh embryo to improve the healthy baby rate in women undergoing IVF: the E-Freeze RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(25), 1-142.

Freezing all embryos, followed by thawing and transferring them into the uterine cavity at a later stage (freeze-all), instead of fresh-embryo transfer may lead to improved pregnancy rates and fewer complications during in vitro fertilisa... Read More about Transfer of thawed frozen embryo versus fresh embryo to improve the healthy baby rate in women undergoing IVF: the E-Freeze RCT.

An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Mountain, G., Wright, J., Cooper, C. L., Lee, E., Sprange, K., Beresford-Dent, J., Young, T., Walters, S., Berry, K., Dening, T., Loban, A., Turton, E., Thomas, B. D., Young, E. L., Thompson, B. J., Crawford, B., Craig, C., Bowie, P., Moniz-Cook, E., & Foster, A. (2022). An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(24), 1-152.


There are few effective interventions for dementia.


To determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dement... Read More about An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT.

Clinical trial management: a profession in crisis? (2022)
Journal Article
Mitchell, E. J., Goodman, K., Wakefield, N., Cochran, C., Cockayne, S., Connolly, S., Desai, R., Hartley, S., Lawton, S. A., Oatey, K., Rhodes, S., Savage, J. S., Taylor, J., Youssouf, N. F. J., Fletcher, L., & Lee, R. (2022). Clinical trial management: a profession in crisis?. Trials, 23(1), Article 357.

Clinical trial managers play a vital role in the design and conduct of clinical trials in the UK. There is a current recruitment and retention crisis for this specialist role due to a complex set of factors, most likely to have come to a head due to... Read More about Clinical trial management: a profession in crisis?.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on tic symptoms in children and young people: a prospective cohort study (2022)
Journal Article
Hall, C. L., Marston, L., Khan, K., Brown, B. J., Sanderson, C., Andrén, P., Bennett, S., Heyman, I., Mataix-Cols, D., Serlachius, E., Hollis, C., & Murphy, T. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on tic symptoms in children and young people: a prospective cohort study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 54(6), 1499–1509.

To understand how children and young people with tic disorders were affected by COVID-19, we compared pre and during pandemic scores on the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS). Participants were young people (N = 112; male:78%; 9–17 years) randomi... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on tic symptoms in children and young people: a prospective cohort study.

The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Mountain, G., Cooper, C., Wright, J., Walters, S., Lee, E., Craig, C., Berry, K., Sprange, K., Young, T., Moniz-Cook, E., Dening, T., Loban, A., Turton, E., Beresford-Dent, J., Thomas, B., Thompson, B., & Young, E. (2022). The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial. Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(4), e276-e285.

Background There is an urgent clinical need for evidence based psychosocial interventions for people with mild dementia. We aimed to determine clinical and cost-effectiveness of Journeying through Dementia (JtD), an intervention designed to promote w... Read More about The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial.

A randomized trial of synthetic osmotic cervical dilator for induction of labor vs dinoprostone vaginal insert (2022)
Journal Article
Gupta, J. K., Maher, A., Stubbs, C., Brocklehurst, P., Daniels, J. P., & Hardy, P. (2022). A randomized trial of synthetic osmotic cervical dilator for induction of labor vs dinoprostone vaginal insert. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4(4), Article 100628.

BACKGROUND: Induction of labor is a commonly performed obstetrical intervention. Vaginal prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone) is a first-choice agent. Mechanical methods of induction are slower in achieving cervical ripening but have a lower risk of adver... Read More about A randomized trial of synthetic osmotic cervical dilator for induction of labor vs dinoprostone vaginal insert.

Resilience, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and anger: A linguistic inquiry into the psychological processes associated with resilience in secondary school STEM learning (2022)
Journal Article
Hall, S. S., McGill, R. M., Puttick, S., & Maltby, J. (2022). Resilience, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and anger: A linguistic inquiry into the psychological processes associated with resilience in secondary school STEM learning. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 1215-1238.

Aim: To examine resilience in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning within an ecological model, identifying the psychological processes associated with resilient, and non-resilient learning to develop a framework for promo... Read More about Resilience, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and anger: A linguistic inquiry into the psychological processes associated with resilience in secondary school STEM learning.

Impacted fetal head during second stage Caesarean birth: A prospective observational study (2022)
Journal Article
Wyn Jones, N., Mitchell, E. J., Wakefield, N., Knight, M., Dorling, J., Thornton, J. G., & Walker, K. F. (2022). Impacted fetal head during second stage Caesarean birth: A prospective observational study. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 272, 77-81.

Objective: To determine the incidence of, and complication rates from, impacted fetal head at full dilatation Caesarean birth in the UK, and record what techniques were used. Design: Prospective observational study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance... Read More about Impacted fetal head during second stage Caesarean birth: A prospective observational study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure (2022)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Rick, C., Juszczak, E., Montgomery, A., Howard, R., Guthrie, B., Lim, W. S., Shenkin, S., Leighton, P., Bath, P. M., Ball, J., Gage, H., Glover, M., Godfrey, M., Hewitt, J., Jaki, T., Lasserson, D., Logan, P., Passmore, P., Quinlan, P., …Tate, V. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure. Age and Ageing, 51(3), Article afac052.

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in catastrophic levels of morbidity and mortality for care home residents. Despite this, research platforms for COVID-19 in care homes arrived late in the pandemic compared with other care settings. The Prophylactic The... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure.

Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial (2022)
Journal Article
RECOVERY Collaborative Group, Horby, P. W., Mafham, M., Peto, L., Campbell, M., Pessoa-Amorim, G., Spata, E., Staplin, N., Emberson, J. R., Prudon, B., Hine, P., Brown, T., Green, C. A., Sarkar, R., Desai, P., Yates, B., Bewick, T., Tiberi, S., Felton, T., Baillie, J. K., …Landray, M. J. (2022). Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. Lancet, 399(10325), 665-676.

Background: Casirivimab and imdevimab are non-competing monoclonal antibodies that bind to two different sites on the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein, blocking viral entry into host cells. We aimed to evaluate the efficac... Read More about Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial.