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Outputs (13)

Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Turnbull, J., Jha, R. R., Gowler, P. R., Ferrands-Bentley, R., Kim, D.-H., Barrett, D. A., Sarmanova, A., Fernandes, G. S., Doherty, M., Zhang, W., Walsh, D. A., Valdes, A. M., & Chapman, V. (2024). Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 32(8), 990-1000.

Objective: To examine associations between serum oxylipins, which regulate tissue repair and pain signalling, and knee pain/radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) at baseline and knee pain at 3 year follow-up.

Method: Baseline, and 3 year follow-up, kne... Read More about Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study.

Clinical and Preclinical Evidence for Roles of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Osteoarthritis Knee Pain (2022)
Journal Article
Gowler, P. R. W., Turnbull, J., Shahtaheri, M., Gohir, S., Kelly, T., McReynolds, C., Yang, J., Jha, R. R., Fernandes, G. S., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Walsh, D. A., Hammock, B. D., Valdes, A. M., Barrett, D. A., & Chapman, V. (2022). Clinical and Preclinical Evidence for Roles of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Osteoarthritis Knee Pain. Arthritis and Rheumatology, 74(4), 623-633.

Objective: Chronic pain due to osteoarthritis (OA) is a major clinical problem, and existing analgesics often have limited beneficial effects and/or adverse effects, necessitating the development of novel therapies. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) a... Read More about Clinical and Preclinical Evidence for Roles of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Osteoarthritis Knee Pain.

Serum Levels of Proinflammatory Lipid Mediators and Specialized Proresolving Molecules Are Increased in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Correlate With Markers of the Adaptive Immune Response (2022)
Journal Article
Turnbull, J., Jha, R. R., Ortori, C. A., Lunt, E., Tighe, P. J., Irving, W. L., Gohir, S. A., Kim, D.-H., Valdes, A. M., Tarr, A. W., Barrett, D. A., & Chapman, V. (2022). Serum Levels of Proinflammatory Lipid Mediators and Specialized Proresolving Molecules Are Increased in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Correlate With Markers of the Adaptive Immune Response. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 225(12), 2142-2154.

BACKGROUND: Specialized proresolution molecules (SPMs) halt the transition to chronic pathogenic inflammation. We aimed to quantify serum levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory bioactive lipids in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-C... Read More about Serum Levels of Proinflammatory Lipid Mediators and Specialized Proresolving Molecules Are Increased in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Correlate With Markers of the Adaptive Immune Response.

The anti-inflammatory effect of bacterial short chain fatty acids is partially mediated by endocannabinoids (2021)
Journal Article
Vijay, A., Kouraki, A., Gohir, S., Turnbull, J., Kelly, A., Chapman, V., Barrett, D. A., Bulsiewicz, W. J., & Valdes, A. M. (2021). The anti-inflammatory effect of bacterial short chain fatty acids is partially mediated by endocannabinoids. Gut Microbes, 13(1), Article 1997559.

The endocannabinoid (EC) system has pleiotropic functions in the body. It plays a key role in energy homeostasis and the development of metabolic disorders being a mediator in the relationship between the gut microbiota and host metabolism. In the cu... Read More about The anti-inflammatory effect of bacterial short chain fatty acids is partially mediated by endocannabinoids.

Anxiety enhances pain in a model of osteoarthritis and is associated with altered endogenous opioid function and reduced opioid analgesia (2021)
Journal Article
Lillywhite, A., Woodhams, S. G., Gonçalves, S. V., Watson, D. J. G., Li, L., Burston, J. J., Gowler, P. R. W., Canals, M., Walsh, D. A., Hathway, G. J., & Chapman, V. (2021). Anxiety enhances pain in a model of osteoarthritis and is associated with altered endogenous opioid function and reduced opioid analgesia. PAIN Reports, 6(4), Article e956.

Negative affect, including anxiety and depression, is prevalent in chronic pain states such as osteoarthritis (OA) and associated with greater use of opioid analgesics, potentially contributing to present and future opioid crises.... Read More about Anxiety enhances pain in a model of osteoarthritis and is associated with altered endogenous opioid function and reduced opioid analgesia.

Metabolic signatures of osteoarthritis in urine using liquid chromatography‐high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (2021)
Journal Article
Abdelrazig, S., Ortori, C. A., Doherty, M., Valdes, A. M., Chapman, V., & Barrett, D. A. (2021). Metabolic signatures of osteoarthritis in urine using liquid chromatography‐high resolution tandem mass spectrometry. Metabolomics, 17(3), Article 29.

Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of disability in older people, but its aetiology is not yet fully understood. Biomarkers of OA from metabolomics studies have shown potential use in understanding the progression and pathophysiology... Read More about Metabolic signatures of osteoarthritis in urine using liquid chromatography‐high resolution tandem mass spectrometry.

Contribution of nerves within osteochondral channels to osteoarthritis knee pain in humans and rats (2020)
Journal Article
Aso, K., Shahtaheri, S. M., Hill, R., Wilson, D., McWilliams, D. F., Nwosu, L. N., Chapman, V., & Walsh, D. A. (2020). Contribution of nerves within osteochondral channels to osteoarthritis knee pain in humans and rats. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,

© 2020 Osteoarthritis Research Society International Objectives: Subchondral bone may contribute to knee osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Nerve growth factor (NGF) can stimulate nerve growth through TrkA. We aimed to identify how sensory nerve growth at the... Read More about Contribution of nerves within osteochondral channels to osteoarthritis knee pain in humans and rats.

Investigating musculoskeletal health and wellbeing; A cohort study protocol (2020)
Journal Article
Millar, B., McWilliams, D. F., Abhishek, A., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Auer, D. P., Chapman, V., Doherty, M., Ferguson, E., Gladman, J. R., Greenhaff, P., Stocks, J., Valdes, A. M., & Walsh, D. A. (2020). Investigating musculoskeletal health and wellbeing; A cohort study protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21(1), Article 182.

© 2020 The Author(s). Background: In an ageing population, pain, frailty and disability frequently coexist across a wide range of musculoskeletal diagnoses, but their associations remain incompletely understood. The Investigating Musculoskeletal Heal... Read More about Investigating musculoskeletal health and wellbeing; A cohort study protocol.

Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to chronic osteoarthritis joint pain (2020)
Journal Article
Gowler, P. R., Li, L., Woodhams, S. G., Bennett, A. J., Suzuki, R., Walsh, D. A., & Chapman, V. (2020). Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to chronic osteoarthritis joint pain. PAIN, 161(1), 61-73.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the high-affinity receptor tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) have important roles in neuronal survival and in spinal sensitization mechanisms associated with chronic pain. Recent clinical evidence also... Read More about Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to chronic osteoarthritis joint pain.

The impact of anxiety on chronic musculoskeletal pain and the role of astrocyte activation (2018)
Journal Article
Burston, J. J., Valdes, A. M., Woodhams, S. G., Mapp, P. I., Stocks, J., Watson, D. J. G., Gowler, P. R. W., Xu, L., Sagar, D. R., Fernandes, G., Frowd, N., Marshall, L., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., David, D. A., & Chapman, V. (2019). The impact of anxiety on chronic musculoskeletal pain and the role of astrocyte activation. PAIN, 160(3), 658-669.

© 2018 International Association for the Study of Pain. Anxiety and depression are associated with increased pain responses in chronic pain states. The extent to which anxiety drives chronic pain, or vice versa, remains an important question that has... Read More about The impact of anxiety on chronic musculoskeletal pain and the role of astrocyte activation.