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Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis (2021)
Journal Article
Herbert, S., Rowbotham, N., Smith, S., Wilson, P., Elliott, Z., Leighton, P., Duff, A., & Smyth, A. R. (2022). Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis. Thorax, 77(3), 295-297.

Reducing treatment burden in cystic fibrosis (CF) is the top research priority for patients and clinicians. Difficulty accessing medication is one aspect of treatment burden. We investigated this with an online survey available globally for patients... Read More about Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis.

Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, G., Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., Elliot, Z. C., Gathercole, K., Rayner, O., Leighton, P. A., Herbert, S., Duff, A. J., Chandran, S., Daniels, T., Nash, E. F., & Smyth, A. R. (2020). Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 19(3), 499-502.

In a recent James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in cystic fibrosis (CF) the top priority clinical research question was: “What are effective ways of simplifying the treatment burden of people with CF?” We aimed to summarise the lived exp... Read More about Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials.