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Outputs (82)

Ageing and quality of life in family carers of people with dementia being cared for at home: a literature review (2015)
Journal Article
de Oliveira, D. C., Vass, C. D., & Aubeeluck, A. (2015). Ageing and quality of life in family carers of people with dementia being cared for at home: a literature review. Quality in Primary Care, 23(1),

Background: Despite the increasing older population providing care for family members with dementia at home, there is no consensus in the literature in terms of how caring impacts on their quality of life (QoL) and the association of the family carer... Read More about Ageing and quality of life in family carers of people with dementia being cared for at home: a literature review.

Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness (2015)
Journal Article
Downe, S., Finlayson, K., Melvin, C., Spiby, H., Ali, A., Diggle, P., Gyte, G., Hinder, S., Miller, V., Slade, P., Trepel, D., Weeks, A., & Whorwell, P. (in press). Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 122(9),

Objective: (Primary) To establish the effect of antenatal group self-hypnosis for nulliparous women on intra-partum epidural use.

Design: Multi-method randomised control trial (RCT).

Setting: Three NHS Trusts.

Population: Nulliparous women n... Read More about Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness.

The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Rutherford, P., & Crawford, P. (in press). The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52,

Background: There is a large literature suggesting that noise can be detrimental to health and numerous policy documents have promoted noise abatement in clinical settings.
Objectives: This paper documents the role of noise in clinical environments... Read More about The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review.

Supporting recovery in patients with psychosis using adult mental health teams (REFOCUS): a multi-site cluster randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Slade, M., Bird, V., Clarke, E., Le Boutillier, C., McCrone, P., Macpherson, R., Pesola, F., Wallace, G., Williams, J., & Leamy, M. (in press). Supporting recovery in patients with psychosis using adult mental health teams (REFOCUS): a multi-site cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry, 2(6),

Background: Mental health policy in many countries is oriented around recovery. The evidence base for service-level pro-recovery interventions is lacking.
Methods: Two-site cluster randomised controlled trial in England (ISRCTN02507940). REFOCUS is... Read More about Supporting recovery in patients with psychosis using adult mental health teams (REFOCUS): a multi-site cluster randomised controlled trial.

Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes (2015)
Journal Article
Gladman, J., Harwood, R., Conroy, S., Logan, P., Elliott, R., Jones, R., Lewis, S., Dyas, J., Schneider, J., Porock, D., Pollock, K., Goldberg, S., Edmans, J., Gordon, A., Bradshaw, L., Franklin, M., Whittamore, K., Robbins, I., Dunphy, A., Spencer, K., …Frowd, N. (2015). Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 3(4), 1-410.

This programme of research addressed shortcomings in the care of three groups of older patients: patients discharged from acute medical units (AMUs), patients with dementia and delirium admitted to general hospitals, and care home residen... Read More about Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes.

Work related risk factors for lower back pain among nurses in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria-Nigeria (2015)
Journal Article
Muhammed, A. F., Ladan, A. M., Musa, H. A., & Garba, A. M. (2015). Work related risk factors for lower back pain among nurses in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria-Nigeria.

This study was carried out to assess the work-related risk factors for Lower Back Pain (LBP) among nurses in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Shika - Zaria. The main objective of this Study is to determine the prevalence and duratio... Read More about Work related risk factors for lower back pain among nurses in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria-Nigeria.

Why do women seek ultrasound scans from commercial providers during pregnancy? (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, J., Griffiths, F. E., Verran, A., & Ayre, C. (2015). Why do women seek ultrasound scans from commercial providers during pregnancy?. Sociology of Health and Illness, 37(4),

The commercial availability of ultrasound scans for pregnant women has been controversial yet little is known about why women make use of such services. This article reports on semi-structured interviews with women in the UK who have booked a commerc... Read More about Why do women seek ultrasound scans from commercial providers during pregnancy?.

Do surgical care bundles reduce the risk of surgical site infections in patients undergoing colorectal surgery? A systematic review and cohort meta-analysis of 8,515 patients (2015)
Journal Article
Tanner, J., Padley, W., Assadian, O., Leaper, D., Kiernan, M., & Edmiston, C. E. (2015). Do surgical care bundles reduce the risk of surgical site infections in patients undergoing colorectal surgery? A systematic review and cohort meta-analysis of 8,515 patients. Surgery, 158(1),

Background. Care bundles are a strategy that can be used to reduce the risk of surgical site infection (SSI), but individual studies of care bundles report conflicting outcomes. This study assesses the effectiveness of care bundles to reduce SSI amon... Read More about Do surgical care bundles reduce the risk of surgical site infections in patients undergoing colorectal surgery? A systematic review and cohort meta-analysis of 8,515 patients.

Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness (2015)
Journal Article
Saavedra, J., López, M., González, S., Arias, S., & Crawford, P. (2015). Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 52(7),

We assess how social and cognitive functioning is associated to gaining employment for 213 people diagnosed with severe mental illness taking part in employment programs in Andalusia (Spain). We used the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuro... Read More about Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness.

Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Turner, K., Blake, H., Juma, A., Suggs, S., & Occa, A. (in press). Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study. HIV Medicine, 16(S2),

Background: There is a public health need to tackle high levels of undiagnosed (or late diagnosed) HIV amongst the UK's African communities. This research aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of using a text messaging intervention to enc... Read More about Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study.