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Outputs (302)

Other '68s: Lineages and Legacies of May ’68 (2025)
Vidal Bouzon, Á. J., Sharman, A., & Shingler, K. (Eds.). (2025). Other '68s: Lineages and Legacies of May ’68. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.

May ’68 has inspired cultural, social and political movements across the world but has been used also to criticise them. This book interrogates the consideration of the revolts in France as the pinnacle or even paradigm of a particular avatar in a re... Read More about Other '68s: Lineages and Legacies of May ’68.

Rancière's Counter-Sociology: Politics, History, Education (2024)
Lane, J. F. (2024). Rancière's Counter-Sociology: Politics, History, Education. Palgrave MacMillan.

Jacques Rancière is almost unique amongst contemporary thinkers in his consistent hostility to sociologically informed modes of interpretation. This hostility is not limited to his detailed critiques of Pierre Bourdieu—it characterises his thinking a... Read More about Rancière's Counter-Sociology: Politics, History, Education.

Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns (2024)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2024). Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns. In J. Carruthers, M. McLaughlin, & O. Walsh (Eds.), Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French (254-275). Oxford University Press (OUP).

Chroniques de langage, or language columns, are articles discussing questions related to language which are produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press (Remysen 2005: 270–1). While the content of the columns can vary,... Read More about Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns.

Yvone Kane, memory, mourning and melancholia. Unresolved pasts and “lost futures” (2024)
Book Chapter
Miranda, R. (2024). Yvone Kane, memory, mourning and melancholia. Unresolved pasts and “lost futures”. In Women, the Arts, and Dictatorship in the Portuguese-Speaking Context: Tensions, Disputes, and Post-Memory Heritage (187-212). De Gruyter.

The chapter aims to consider the ways in which Margarida Cardoso’s filmography, and Yvone Kane (2014) in particular, prompts a rethinking of the political and ideological processes of mourning and melancholia by placing at the forefront not only the... Read More about Yvone Kane, memory, mourning and melancholia. Unresolved pasts and “lost futures”.

Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context (2024)
Journal Article
Leveridge, F., Mével, P.-A., & Tsikandilakis, M. (2024). Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context. Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 7(1), 1-32.

Situated at the intersection of Psychology, Film Studies, Accessibility Studies and Translation Studies, this article investigates the emotional correlates of two types of subtitles (standard and aesthetically integrated) on audiences in the context... Read More about Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context.

Randfiguren? The Methodological Usefulness of Marginal Figures: Ernst Brandes and Franz Josias von Hendrich on the French Revolution and the Political Potential of the German Bürgertum (2024)
Journal Article
Oergel, M. (2024). Randfiguren? The Methodological Usefulness of Marginal Figures: Ernst Brandes and Franz Josias von Hendrich on the French Revolution and the Political Potential of the German Bürgertum. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 93(1), 1-20.

The article discusses two marginal political writers who were widely read and well respected by their contemporaries but are now either forgotten (Hendrich) or reduced to a historical footnote in the history of conservatism (Brandes). The aim is to i... Read More about Randfiguren? The Methodological Usefulness of Marginal Figures: Ernst Brandes and Franz Josias von Hendrich on the French Revolution and the Political Potential of the German Bürgertum.

‘Requeiro huma duas e tres vezes’: the confrontation between Ruy López de Villalobos and Jorge de Castro over the Maluku Islands in 1543-4. (2024)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. (2024). ‘Requeiro huma duas e tres vezes’: the confrontation between Ruy López de Villalobos and Jorge de Castro over the Maluku Islands in 1543-4. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 30(1), 1-18.

This article examines in detail the exchange of letters between Ruy López de Villalobos, captain general of a significant Spanish fleet which landed on the island of Mindanao in February 1543 and the captain of the Portuguese fort on the Malukan isla... Read More about ‘Requeiro huma duas e tres vezes’: the confrontation between Ruy López de Villalobos and Jorge de Castro over the Maluku Islands in 1543-4..