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Outputs (135)

Levels of depression in transgender people and its predictors: results of a large matched control study with transgender people accessing clinical services (2018)
Journal Article
Witcomb, G. L., Bouman, W. P., Claes, L., Brewin, N., Crawford, J. R., & Arcelus, J. (2018). Levels of depression in transgender people and its predictors: results of a large matched control study with transgender people accessing clinical services. Journal of Affective Disorders, 235,

Background: Depression is a serious disorder which significantly impacts wellbeing and quality of life. Studies exploring mental wellbeing in the transgender population are mostly limited by small, non-homogenous samples and lack of matched controls.... Read More about Levels of depression in transgender people and its predictors: results of a large matched control study with transgender people accessing clinical services.

Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Mhizha-Murira, J. R., Anderson, P., Carpenter, H., Clarke, S., Groves, S., Leighton, P., Scammell, B. E., Topcu, G., Walsh, D. A., & Lincoln, N. B. (2018). Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32(6), 777-789.

Objective: To determine the feasibility of conducting a trial of a pre-surgical psychological intervention on pain, function, and mood in people with knee osteoarthritis listed for total knee arthroplasty.
Design: Multi-centre, mixed-methods feasibi... Read More about Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (2018)
Journal Article
Sargeant, J. A., Bawden, S., Aithal, G. P., Simpson, E. J., Macdonald, I. A., Turner, M. C., Cegielski, J., Smith, K., Dorling, J. L., Gowland, P. A., Nimmo, M. A., & King, J. A. (2018). Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(4), 817-828.

Purpose: This study examined the feasibility of sprint interval exercise training (SIT) for men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its effects on intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG), insulin sensitivity (hepatic and peripheral), visceral... Read More about Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Tumour-draining axillary lymph nodes in patients with large and locally advanced breast cancers undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC): the crucial contribution of immune cells (effector, regulatory) and cytokines (TH1, TH2) to immune-mediated tumour cell death induced by NAC (2018)
Journal Article
Kaewkangsadan, V., Verma, C., Eremin, J. M., Cowley, G. P., Ilyas, M., & Eremin, O. (2018). Tumour-draining axillary lymph nodes in patients with large and locally advanced breast cancers undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC): the crucial contribution of immune cells (effector, regulatory) and cytokines (TH1, TH2) to immune-mediated tumour cell death induced by NAC. BMC Cancer, 18, Article 123.


The tumour microenvironment consists of malignant cells, stroma and immune cells. In women with large and locally advanced breast cancers (LLABCs) undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), variou... Read More about Tumour-draining axillary lymph nodes in patients with large and locally advanced breast cancers undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC): the crucial contribution of immune cells (effector, regulatory) and cytokines (TH1, TH2) to immune-mediated tumour cell death induced by NAC.

Development and validation of self-reported line drawings of the modified Beighton score for the assessment of generalised joint hypermobility (2018)
Journal Article
Cooper, D. J., Scammell, B. E., Batt, M. E., & Palmer, D. (in press). Development and validation of self-reported line drawings of the modified Beighton score for the assessment of generalised joint hypermobility. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1),

Background: The impracticalities and comparative expense of carrying out a clinical assessment is an obstacle in many large epidemiological studies. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a series of electronic self-reported line drawi... Read More about Development and validation of self-reported line drawings of the modified Beighton score for the assessment of generalised joint hypermobility.

Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis (2017)
Journal Article
Chapman, V., Markides, H., Sagar, D. R., Xu, L., Burston, J. J., Mapp, P., Kay, A., Morris, R. H., Kehoe, O., & El Haj, A. J. (2017). Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis. Stem Cells International, 2017,

Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of osteoarthritic (OA) joint pathology and pain. The aims of this study were to determine the influence of a passage number on the effects of MSCs on pain behavi... Read More about Therapeutic benefit for late, but not early, passage mesenchymal stem cells on pain behaviour in an animal model of osteoarthritis.

UDP-sugars activate P2Y 14 receptors to mediate vasoconstriction of the porcine coronary artery (2017)
Journal Article
Abbas, Z. S., Latif, M. L., Dovlatova, N., Fox, S. C., Heptinstall, S., Dunn, W. R., & Ralevic, V. (2018). UDP-sugars activate P2Y 14 receptors to mediate vasoconstriction of the porcine coronary artery. Vascular Pharmacology, 103-105,


UDP-sugars can act as extracellular signalling molecules, but relatively little is known about their cardiovascular actions. The P2Y14 receptor is a Gi/o-coupled receptor which is activated by UDP-glucose and related sugar nucleotides. In thi... Read More about UDP-sugars activate P2Y 14 receptors to mediate vasoconstriction of the porcine coronary artery.

Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse (2017)
Journal Article
Barnes, J., Stuart, J., Allen, E., Petrou, S., Sturgess, J., Barlow, J., Macdonald, G., Spiby, H., Aistrop, D., Melhuish, E., Kim, S. W., Pink, J., Datta, J., & Elbourne, D. (2017). Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse. Public Health Research, 5(9),

Background: Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a home-based nurse home-visiting programme to support vulnerable parents. Group FNP (gFNP) has similar aims and materials and was demonstrated to be feasible in implementation evaluations.
Objectives: To... Read More about Results of the FIRST STEPS study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Group Family Nurse Partnership (gFNP) programme compared to routine care in improving outcomes for high-risk mothers and their children and preventing abuse.

Healthcare costs of transarterial chemoembolization in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (2017)
Journal Article
Fateen, W., Khan, F., O’Neill, R., James, M., Ryder, S., & Aithal, G. (2017). Healthcare costs of transarterial chemoembolization in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 2017(4),

Background: A meta-analysis comparing drug-eluting beads transarterial chemoembolization (DEB-TACE) with conventional transarterial chemoembolization (cTACE) has recently been published. On balance, no significant differences were found in terms of o... Read More about Healthcare costs of transarterial chemoembolization in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (2017)
Journal Article
Little, H., Tickle, A., & das Nair, R. (2018). Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 91(3), 278-301.

Purpose: To identify, appraise and synthesise findings from qualitative studies of individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder who have experienced Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, to gain further understanding of their perceptions of t... Read More about Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.