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Outputs (135)

Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity (2009)
Journal Article
James, D., Ferguson, E., Powis, D., Bore, M., Munro, D., Symonds, I., & Yates, J. (2009). Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity. BMC Medical Education, 9(Novemb), Article 8.

Background: At Nottingham University more than 95% of entrants to the traditional 5-year medical course are school leavers. Since 2003 we have admitted graduate entrants (GEM) to a shortened (4-year) course to 'widen access to students from... Read More about Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity.

Improving quality of life and end of life care for people with dementia using the soundtrack to my life tool: evaluation report, University of Nottingham
Argyle, E., & Kelly, T. (in press). Improving quality of life and end of life care for people with dementia using the soundtrack to my life tool: evaluation report, University of Nottingham. University of Nottingham

Good support at home for people with dementia and their carers is crucial to maintaining their quality of life and helping them to remain in their own home. Person centred packages of care have been shown to be an effective means of providing this su... Read More about Improving quality of life and end of life care for people with dementia using the soundtrack to my life tool: evaluation report, University of Nottingham.

Configuring the caller in ambiguous encounters: volunteer handling of calls to Samaritans emotional support services
Journal Article
Pollock, K., Moore, J., Coveney, C., & Armstrong, S. Configuring the caller in ambiguous encounters: volunteer handling of calls to Samaritans emotional support services. Communication and Medicine, 9(2),

This paper discusses volunteer strategies for handling
and assessing calls to Samaritans emotional support services for the suicidal and despairing. It presents findings from the qualitative components of a two year mixed methods study based on an o... Read More about Configuring the caller in ambiguous encounters: volunteer handling of calls to Samaritans emotional support services.

Living with the user: design drama for dementia care through responsive scripted experiences in the home
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coughlan, T., Brown, M., Lawson, G., McAuley, D., Baurley, S., Tsai, A., Koppe, T., Elliott, M., Green, S., & Martin, J. L. Living with the user: design drama for dementia care through responsive scripted experiences in the home. Presented at ACM UbiComp '14

Participation in forms of drama and narrative can provoke empathy and creativity in user-centred design processes. In this paper, we expand upon existing methods to explore the potential for responsive scripted experiences that are delivered through... Read More about Living with the user: design drama for dementia care through responsive scripted experiences in the home.