Multiespecie, Más-que-humano, No-humano, Otro-que-humano: Reinventando los lenguajes de lo animado en la era de destrucción planetaria
Journal Article
Chao, S., Price, C., Ponce de Leon, A., & Ruiz-Serna, D. (2023). Multiespecie, Más-que-humano, No-humano, Otro-que-humano: Reinventando los lenguajes de lo animado en la era de destrucción planetaria. Tekopora, 5(1),
Outputs (14)
Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Wray, A., Martin, G., Ferguson, K. N., Coen, S. E., Seabrook, J. A., & Gilliland, J. (2024). Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cities & Health, 8(2), 143-154. impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health and stress levels warrants urgent attention. In Canada, as elsewhere in the world, public health measures in the early stages of the pandemic dramatically transformed the everyday geographie... Read More about Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Functional relationships reveal differences in the water cycle representation of global water models (2023)
Journal Article
Gnann, S., Reinecke, R., Stein, L., Wada, Y., Thiery, W., Satoh, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Ostberg, S., Koutroulis, A., Hanasaki, N., Grillakis, M., Gosling, S. N., Burek, P., Bierkens, M. F. P., & Wagener, T. (2023). Functional relationships reveal differences in the water cycle representation of global water models. Nature Water, 1, 1079-1090. water models are increasingly used to understand past, present and future water cycles, but disagreements between simulated variables make model-based inferences uncertain. Although there is empirical evidence of different large-scale... Read More about Functional relationships reveal differences in the water cycle representation of global water models.
Teens talk vaping: A co-produced participatory study exploring teens’ reflections on vaping experiences and exposures in their everyday environments (2023)
Journal Article
Coen, S. E., Nelson Ferguson, K., Burke, S. M., Dela Cruz, T. J. E., Girum, L., Guisandes Bueno, G. I., Haines-Saah, R., Iwas, T., Kandlakuti, B., Manji, A., Megarajah, P., Soto Canales, R., Spencer, T., Tobin, D., & Gilliland, J. A. (2023). Teens talk vaping: A co-produced participatory study exploring teens’ reflections on vaping experiences and exposures in their everyday environments. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 4, Article 100367. prevalence of vaping (e-cigarette use) among youth in Canada and elsewhere has become a serious public health concern. The Teens Talk Vaping project sought to co-produce research about teen vaping with teens to generate in-depth qualitativ... Read More about Teens talk vaping: A co-produced participatory study exploring teens’ reflections on vaping experiences and exposures in their everyday environments.
Postdigital Nature 2.0 (2023)
Book Chapter
Price, C. (2023). Postdigital Nature 2.0. In P. Jandrić (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Postdigital Science and Education. Springer. nature is the consumption and prosumption of nature through postdigital technologies. Individuals are increasingly co-creating with nature as postdigital technologies become more prevalent. Where interactions with nature used to be betwee... Read More about Postdigital Nature 2.0.
Exploring the responses of smallscale poultry keepers to avian influenza regulations and guidance in the United Kingdom, with recommendations for improved biosecurity messaging (2023)
Journal Article
Jewitt, S., Smallman-Raynor, M., McClaughlin, E., Clark, M., Dunham, S., Elliott, S., Munro, A., Parnell, T., & Tarlinton, R. (2023). Exploring the responses of smallscale poultry keepers to avian influenza regulations and guidance in the United Kingdom, with recommendations for improved biosecurity messaging. Heliyon, 9(9), Article E19211. how smallscale (‘backyard’) poultry keepers interpret and respond to governmental directives designed to reduce the transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is of paramount importance in preparing for future HPAI outbrea... Read More about Exploring the responses of smallscale poultry keepers to avian influenza regulations and guidance in the United Kingdom, with recommendations for improved biosecurity messaging.
Using mixed methods and community participation to explore household and ambient air pollution practices in a rural community in Malawi (2023)
Journal Article
Phillip, E., Conroy, R. M., Walsh, A., Jumbe, V., Jewitt, S., Lee, S., & Stanistreet, D. (2025). Using mixed methods and community participation to explore household and ambient air pollution practices in a rural community in Malawi. Journal of Public Health, 33, 401-416. Globally, household and ambient air pollution (HAAP) accounts for almost 7 million premature deaths each year. Over half of these are from incomplete biomass fuel combustion in open fires and inefficient cookstoves. Solutions to the problem rema... Read More about Using mixed methods and community participation to explore household and ambient air pollution practices in a rural community in Malawi.
Postdigital Environmental Crises (2023)
Book Chapter
Price, C. (2023). Postdigital Environmental Crises. In Encyclopedia of Postdigital Science and Education (1-5). Springer. technologies can be a double-edged sword for environmental crises. Various postdigital technologies are being used to good effect to address environmental crises including the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and the destruction of rain... Read More about Postdigital Environmental Crises.
Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research (2023)
Journal Article
Pétillon, J., McKinley, E., Alexander, M., Adams, J. B., Angelini, C., Balke, T., Griffin, J. N., Bouma, T., Hacker, S., He, Q., Hensel, M. J. S., Ibáñez, C., Macreadie, P. I., Martino, S., Sharps, E., Ballinger, R., de Battisti, D., Beaumont, N., Burdon, D., Daleo, P., …Skov, M. W. (2023). Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research. Science of the Total Environment, 898, Article 165544. saltmarshes provide globally important ecosystem services including ‘blue carbon’ sequestration, flood protection, pollutant remediation, habitat provision and cultural value. Large portions of marshes have been lost or fragmented as a result... Read More about Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research.
“It Helped Me Feel Like a Researcher”: Reflections on a Capacity-Building Program to Support Teens as Co-Researchers on a Participatory Project (2023)
Journal Article
Nelson Ferguson, K., Coen, S. E., & Gilliland, J. (2023). “It Helped Me Feel Like a Researcher”: Reflections on a Capacity-Building Program to Support Teens as Co-Researchers on a Participatory Project. Journal of Adolescent Research, inclusion of youth voices in research relating to their own daily environments, wellbeing, and development is increasingly recognized as essential to ensuring rigor and success in mobilizing community change. Few studies have qualitatively examin... Read More about “It Helped Me Feel Like a Researcher”: Reflections on a Capacity-Building Program to Support Teens as Co-Researchers on a Participatory Project.
Saying Goodbye and Fighting for the Future (2023)
Journal Article
Price, C. (2023). Saying Goodbye and Fighting for the Future. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 1-4.
Multispecies, More-Than-Human, Nonhuman, Other-Than-Human: Reimagining idioms of animacy in an age of planetary unmaking (2023)
Journal Article
Price, C., & Chao, S. (2023). Multispecies, More-Than-Human, Nonhuman, Other-Than-Human: Reimagining idioms of animacy in an age of planetary unmaking. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 177-193. on Earth is sustained by interconnected more-than-human entanglements. In the era of the Anthropocene, many of these webs are unravelling due to climate change, biodiversity loss, toxicity and pollution, natural resource extraction, and water an... Read More about Multispecies, More-Than-Human, Nonhuman, Other-Than-Human: Reimagining idioms of animacy in an age of planetary unmaking.
Do we need Artificial Pollination if we have Multispecies Justice in the Anthropocene? (2023)
Journal Article
Price, C. (2023). Do we need Artificial Pollination if we have Multispecies Justice in the Anthropocene?. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 50-73. era we now live in is termed the Anthropocene. Climate change, land use change, pesticide and insecticide use, and pollution are all contributing to pollinator loss. To ensure food crops continue to be pollinated, artificial pollinator technologi... Read More about Do we need Artificial Pollination if we have Multispecies Justice in the Anthropocene?.
Scenario set-up and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a) (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Frieler, K., Volkholz, J., Lange, S., Schewe, J., Mengel, M., Rivas López, M. D. R., Otto, C., Reyer, C. P. O., Karger, D. N., Malle, J. T., Treu, S., Menz, C., Blanchard, J. L., Harrison, C. S., Petrik, C. M., Eddy, T. D., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Novaglio, C., Rousseau, Y., Watson, R. A., …Bechtold, M. Scenario set-up and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a)This paper describes the rationale and the protocol of the first component of the third simulation round of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a, and the associated set of climate-related and direct human... Read More about Scenario set-up and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a).