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Outputs (3)

Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North (2024)
van Rooyen, H., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2024). Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North. HSRC Press

Poetic Inquiry for the Human and Social Sciences: Voices from the South and North enriches human and social science research by introducing new voices, insights, and epistemologies. Poetic inquiry, or poetry as research, is a literary and performance... Read More about Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North.

Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South (2022)
Mendelowitz, B., Ferreira, A., & Dixon, K. (2023). Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South. Bloomsbury Publishing

This book challenges monoglossic ideologies, traditional language pedagogies and dominant forms of knowledge construction by foregrounding multilingual and multicultural students' language narratives, repertoires, and identities. The research is base... Read More about Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South.

Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research (2019)
Jordan, S. (2019). Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research. Routledge.

Postdigital Storytelling offers a groundbreaking re-evaluation of one of the most dynamic and innovative areas of creativity today: digital storytelling. Central to this reassessment is the emergence of metamodernism as our dominant cultural conditio... Read More about Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research.