High aperture efficient slot antenna surrounded by the cavity and narrow corrugations at Ka‐band and Ku‐band
Journal Article
Alkaraki, S., Gao, Y., & Parini, C. (2018). High aperture efficient slot antenna surrounded by the cavity and narrow corrugations at Ka‐band and Ku‐band. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 12(12), 1926-1931. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-map.2018.0060
A design criterion for a small, compact, high-aperture-efficient antenna is proposed in this study. The proposed criterion is validated experimentally through fabricating and testing two prototypes for Ku-band and Ka-band applications. The proposed a... Read More about High aperture efficient slot antenna surrounded by the cavity and narrow corrugations at Ka‐band and Ku‐band.