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Outputs (7)

Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Greaves, S., Abbott-Fleming, V., & Somerset, S. (2024, March). Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit. Presented at 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

Concept mapping is increasingly being used as an approach to enhance the development of evidence-based public health interventions. In a prior collaborative-participatory study, Agile methodology was used to co-create the web-based Pain-at-Work (PAW)... Read More about Group concept mapping to facilitate participatory design of the web-based Pain-at-Work Toolkit.

Central pain mechanisms predict physical inactivity at 1-year in individuals with knee pain (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Habib, M., Smith, S., Chaplin, W., Millar, B., McWilliams, D., & Walsh, D. Central pain mechanisms predict physical inactivity at 1-year in individuals with knee pain. Presented at Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), Berlin

Purpose: Pain is the primary clinical manifestation in individuals with osteoarthritis (OA). It is an unpleasant and distressing experience, particularly during weight-bearing activities, inhibiting activity, and reducing quality of life. Two groups... Read More about Central pain mechanisms predict physical inactivity at 1-year in individuals with knee pain.

The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Georgopoulos, V., Smith, S., McWilliams, D., Vincent, T., Watt, F., & Walsh, D. The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Presented at Osteoarthritis Society International World Congress, Virtual

Purpose: Knee pain is highly prevalent, most commonly attributed to osteoarthritis in older people, and in younger people often due to internal derangements. Knee pain can be measured using numerical patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Several... Read More about The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

Disease Activity Flares and Pain Flares in an early rheumatoid arthritis inception cohort; characteristics, antecedants and sequelae (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McWilliams, D., Rahman, S., James, R., Ferguson, E., Kiely, P., Young, A., & Walsh, D. (2019, April). Disease Activity Flares and Pain Flares in an early rheumatoid arthritis inception cohort; characteristics, antecedants and sequelae. Poster presented at Rheumatology 2019, Birmingham, UK

RA flares are common and disabling. They are described in terms of worsening pain, swelling, or other symptoms. We aimed to determine characteristics, antecedants and sequelae of painful and inflammatory flare subtypes during the first 11... Read More about Disease Activity Flares and Pain Flares in an early rheumatoid arthritis inception cohort; characteristics, antecedants and sequelae.

Self-report central mechanisms trait predicts knee pain persistence in the Knee Pain In the Community (KPIC) cohort (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McWilliams, D., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Walsh, D., Frowd, N., Swaithes, L., Fernandes, G., Stocks, J., Sarmanova, A., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Valdes, A., & Ferguson, E. (2019, April). Self-report central mechanisms trait predicts knee pain persistence in the Knee Pain In the Community (KPIC) cohort. Poster presented at Rheumatology 2019, Birmingham, UK

Prediction of persistent knee pain by pressure pain detection thresholds: results from the Knee Pain In the Community cohort (KPIC) (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McWilliams, D. F., Frowd, N., Marshall, L., Stocks, J., Sarmanova, A., Fernandes, G. S., Hall, M. C., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., & Walsh, D. A. Prediction of persistent knee pain by pressure pain detection thresholds: results from the Knee Pain In the Community cohort (KPIC). Presented at EULAR 2018 (Annual European Congress of Rheumatology)

Knee pain results from a combination of nociceptive input from the joint, and processing by the central nervous system. Pressure pain detection thresholds (PPTs) are lower and pain is more severe in people with greater central sensitisat... Read More about Prediction of persistent knee pain by pressure pain detection thresholds: results from the Knee Pain In the Community cohort (KPIC).

Discordance between pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McWilliams, D. F. (2018, May). Discordance between pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Paper presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2018, Liverpool. UK

Recent research interest has focused on the continuing problem of pain in RA. The long term prognosis for pain could be improved, even when inflammation is being suppressed. This talk will describe the progression of pain, and examine how factors oth... Read More about Discordance between pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.