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Outputs (16)

Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly? (2024)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Buckley, . M., Poder, I., & Hughes, J. (2024). Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?. ESPRC and RAI UK

Generative AI is changing the way our economies and businesses operate, and SMEs could be receiving more benefits from this transition. Over the past 12 months in the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) project we have been wo... Read More about Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., & Cameron, H. Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report. ESPRC and RAI UK

On the 1st of July 2024, the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa (RAISE) project hosted its inaugural workshop, bringing together small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the United Kingdom and Africa. The workshop focused o... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report.

Moving on: The overrepresentation of Black and minoritised households in out of area housing placements in England (2024)
Journal Article
IAFRATI, S., CLARE, N., & LAWRENCE, H. (2024). Moving on: The overrepresentation of Black and minoritised households in out of area housing placements in England. Critical Social Policy,

Based on freedom of information request data supplied by English local authorities, this paper identifies significant under-reporting of out of area housing placements in government statistics alongside an overrepresentation of Black and minoritised... Read More about Moving on: The overrepresentation of Black and minoritised households in out of area housing placements in England.

A mixed-methods study of women's birthplace preferences and decisions in England (2024)
Journal Article
Clancy, G. E., Boardman, F. K., & Rees, S. (2024). A mixed-methods study of women's birthplace preferences and decisions in England. Women and Birth, 37(4), Article 101616.

Problem: Choice has been a key aspect of maternity care policy in England since 1993, however a gap remains between the birthplaces women want and where they actually give birth.

Background: The latest maternity care policy in England acknowledges... Read More about A mixed-methods study of women's birthplace preferences and decisions in England.

Religion in Fortress Europe: Perspectives on Belief, Citizenship, and Identity in a Time of Polarized Politics (2023)
Hashemi, M., & Cotter, C. R. (Eds.). (2023). Religion in Fortress Europe: Perspectives on Belief, Citizenship, and Identity in a Time of Polarized Politics. Bloomsbury Publishing.

How does religion maintain or challenge discourses on national identity? What are the roles that religion plays on all sides – from Islamophobia of the radical right to the Christian alliances on both sides of the Atlantic, to the Islamic beliefs and... Read More about Religion in Fortress Europe: Perspectives on Belief, Citizenship, and Identity in a Time of Polarized Politics.

Equality and diversity in the work of the Sentencing Council (2023)
Chen, Q., Vuk, M., Kuppuswamy, C., & Kirsch, D. (2023). Equality and diversity in the work of the Sentencing Council. London: Sentencing Council for England and Wales

This report is commissioned by the Sentencing Council for England and Wales. It examines whether the guidelines published by the Council have the potential to cause disparities in sentencing, and whether the guideline development and revision process... Read More about Equality and diversity in the work of the Sentencing Council.

Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement (2022)
Nicholson, A. (2022). Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement. Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Since the 1990s, modern slavery has been recognized as a global problem, with campaigners around the world providing assessments of its nature and extent, its drivers, and possible solutions for ending it. However, largely absent from the global anti... Read More about Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement.

Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Phelan, K., Gardner, A., Selig, E. R., & Sparks, J. L. D. (2022). Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation. Marine Policy, 142, Article 105108.

Fishers have pronounced vulnerabilities to labour exploitation and modern slavery. Regulatory efforts to mitigate fisher labour exploitation through domestic modern slavery legislation, and through the ratification and implementation of The Internati... Read More about Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation.

Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’ (2022)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. (2022). Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’. Probation Journal, 69(3), 318-336.

This article offers an original insight into the experiences of former military personnel navigating life after criminalisation in a time of austerity. Drawing on case studies of in-depth narrative and visual interview data with two ‘veteran offender... Read More about Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’.

Cosmopolitan Brands: graduate students navigating the social space of elite global universities (2021)
Journal Article
Myers, M., & Bhopal, K. (2021). Cosmopolitan Brands: graduate students navigating the social space of elite global universities. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42(5-6), 701-716.

Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s analysis of the competition for economic, social and cultural capitals within educational fields, this article reports empirical research from 49 in-depth interviews with graduate students at four elite universities in th... Read More about Cosmopolitan Brands: graduate students navigating the social space of elite global universities.

Timescapes in Public Policy – Constructing the “Victim of Trafficking” (2020)
Journal Article
Tangen, J. (2022). Timescapes in Public Policy – Constructing the “Victim of Trafficking”. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37(3), 475-492.

Human trafficking is presented as a multidimensional problem, constituted by a complex matrix of borders, vertices and spaces. In spite of the agreement of an international definition of trafficking in human beings some 20 years ago, debates persist... Read More about Timescapes in Public Policy – Constructing the “Victim of Trafficking”.

Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion (2020)
Journal Article
Reader, J., Jandrić, P., Peters, M. A., Barnett, R., Garbowski, M., Lipińska, V., Rider, S., Bhatt, I., Clarke, A., Hashemi, M., Bevan, A., Trozzo, E., MacKenzie, A., Aldern, J. J., Matias, C. E., Tuari Stewart, G., Mika, C., McLaren, P., Fawns, T., Knox, J., …Baker, C. (2021). Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion. Postdigital Science and Education, 3, 934–965.

This collectively written article explores postdigital relationships between science, philosophy, and religion within the continuum of enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment. Contributions are broadly classified within four sections related... Read More about Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion.

An inheritance of exclusion: Roma education, genetics and the turn to biosocial solutions (2019)
Journal Article
Myers, M. (2020). An inheritance of exclusion: Roma education, genetics and the turn to biosocial solutions. Research in Education, 107(1), 55-71.

Since the 1990s an increasing body of genetic studies of Roma people has been conducted and used to understand their lives. This includes research on health issues such as genetic predispositions to obesity or high cholesterol levels and the migratio... Read More about An inheritance of exclusion: Roma education, genetics and the turn to biosocial solutions.

Introducing the Slave Next Door (2019)
Journal Article
Birks, J., & Gardner, A. (2019). Introducing the Slave Next Door. Anti-Trafficking Review, 2019(13), 66-81.

Past studies have indicated that the British public consider human trafficking to be remote from their personal experiences. However, an increase in local press reporting, alongside the emergence of locally co-ordinated anti-modern slavery campaigns,... Read More about Introducing the Slave Next Door.

Gypsy students in the UK: the impact of ‘mobility’ on education (2017)
Journal Article
Myers, M. (2018). Gypsy students in the UK: the impact of ‘mobility’ on education. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(3), 353-369.

This paper argues that Gypsy students in primary and secondary education in the UK are marginalised because of ambiguous understandings of their ‘mobility’. Drawing on research conducted on the south coast of England, it examines Gypsy families’ expe... Read More about Gypsy students in the UK: the impact of ‘mobility’ on education.