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Outputs (7)

Perceiving Mining Landscapes: Metallurgical Origins and the Perception of Resources in the Landscape (2023)
Book Chapter
Pearce, M., & Maggi, R. (2023). Perceiving Mining Landscapes: Metallurgical Origins and the Perception of Resources in the Landscape. In Settlement Structures and Metallurgy: The Relations between Italy and the Iberian Peninsula in the Early Chalcolithic. Papers of an International Conference Held in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Massimo, 6–7 October 2011 (77-86). Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut - Abteilung Rom.

In Liguria, in north-west Italy, copper mining starts soon after a transformation in the Neolithic economy – the opening up of upland pastures for summer grazing – and seems to be contemporary with the exploitation of other mineral resources, such as... Read More about Perceiving Mining Landscapes: Metallurgical Origins and the Perception of Resources in the Landscape.

L’Osteria del Termine: nota in margine a un confine di lunga durata (2021)
Book Chapter
PEARCE, M. (2021). L’Osteria del Termine: nota in margine a un confine di lunga durata. In L. Magnini, C. Bettineschi, & L. Burigana (Eds.), Traces of Complexity: Studi in Onore di Armando De Guio/ Studies in Honour of Armando De Guio (155-158). SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l

This short paper explores various aspects of Armando De Guio’s work through the lens of his discovery of an extraordinarily persistent border on the Luserna plateau, which seems to have conditioned human behaviour from at least the later Bronze Age,... Read More about L’Osteria del Termine: nota in margine a un confine di lunga durata.

L’inizio della seconda fase della coltivazione del rame nel Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol (2021)
Book Chapter
Pearce, M., Bellintani, P., & Nicolis, F. (2021). L’inizio della seconda fase della coltivazione del rame nel Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol. In P. Bellintani, & E. Silvestri (Eds.), Fare Rame: La metallurgia primaria della tarda età del Bronzo in Trentino: nuovi scavi e stato dell’arte della ricerca sul campo (187-198). Provincia autonoma di Trento

This paper examines our evidence for the date of the beginning of the second phase of copper production in the south-eastern Alps. Lead isotope analysis evidence for artefacts from North Germany and Scandinavia shows the presence in that area of obje... Read More about L’inizio della seconda fase della coltivazione del rame nel Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol.

Fare rame: quadro di sintesi su siti e strutture produttive della metallurgia primaria protostorica del Trentino (2021)
Book Chapter
Bellintani, P., Silvestri, E., Bassetti, M., Cappellozza, N., Degasperi, N., Nicolis, F., Pagan, N., & Pearce, M. (2021). Fare rame: quadro di sintesi su siti e strutture produttive della metallurgia primaria protostorica del Trentino. In P. Bellintani, & E. Silvestri (Eds.), Fare Rame: La metallurgia primaria della tarda età del Bronzo in Trentino: nuovi scavi e stato dell’arte della ricerca sul campo (269-326). Provincia autonoma di Trento

198 “smelting sites”, dedicated to the processing of copper minerals (mixed sulphides mostly with chalcopyrite) are recorded in eastern Trentino. In general, they are located at altitudes of between 1000 and 1800 m a.s.l.. They are traditionally date... Read More about Fare rame: quadro di sintesi su siti e strutture produttive della metallurgia primaria protostorica del Trentino.

Le prime esperienze di metallurgia in Sardegna (2020)
Book Chapter
Pearce, M. (2020). Le prime esperienze di metallurgia in Sardegna. In C. Lugliè, & T. Cossu (Eds.), La preistoria in Sardegna: Il tempo delle comunità umane dal X al II millennio a.C (198-202). Ilisso

The paper reviews the evidence for early metallurgy on the Italian island of Sardinia

Le origini e la diffusione della metallurgia nel Mediterraneo occidentale (2020)
Book Chapter
PEARCE, M. (2020). Le origini e la diffusione della metallurgia nel Mediterraneo occidentale. In C. Lugliè, & T. Cossu (Eds.), La preistoria in Sardegna: Il tempo delle comunità umane dal X al II millennio a.C (194-197). Ilisso

The paper reviews the origins and spread of metallurgy in the western Mediterranean

Domestic buildings: understanding houses and society (2016)
Book Chapter
King, C. (2016). Domestic buildings: understanding houses and society. The Routledge handbook of material culture in Early Modern Europe (111-125). Routledge

This chapter argues that understanding consumption must involve contextualising objects; the built environment has often been treated as a passive backdrop or container for new goods in the early modern world, rather than a socially, economically and... Read More about Domestic buildings: understanding houses and society.