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Dr RACHAEL CARROLL's Outputs (6)

Construct validity of measures of care home resident quality of life: Cross-sectional analysis using data from a pilot Minimum Data Set in England (2025)
Journal Article
Allan, S., Rand, S., Towers, A.-M., De Corte, K., Tracey, F., Crellin, E., Lloyd, T., Carroll, R. E., Palmer, S., Webster, L., Gordon, A., Smith, N., Akdur, G., Killett, A., Spilsbury, K., & Goodman, C. (in press). Construct validity of measures of care home resident quality of life: Cross-sectional analysis using data from a pilot Minimum Data Set in England. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes,

Assessing the feasibility of measuring residents’ quality of life in English care homes and the construct validity and internal consistency of measures completed by staff proxy: a cross-sectional study (2025)
Journal Article
Towers, A.-M., Rand, S., Allan, S., Webster, L. A., Palmer, S., Carroll, R., Gordon, A. L., Akdur, G., Smith, N., Burton, J., Killett, A., Hanratty, B., Meyer, J., Spilsbury, K., & Goodman, C. (2025). Assessing the feasibility of measuring residents’ quality of life in English care homes and the construct validity and internal consistency of measures completed by staff proxy: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e090684.

Objectives To assess the feasibility of capturing older care home residents' quality of life (QoL) in digital social care records and the construct validity (hypothesis testing) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of four QoL measures. Design... Read More about Assessing the feasibility of measuring residents’ quality of life in English care homes and the construct validity and internal consistency of measures completed by staff proxy: a cross-sectional study.

Piloting a minimum data set for older people living in care homes in England: a developmental study (2025)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Rand, S., Crellin, E., Allan, S., Tracey, F., De Corte, K., Lloyd, T., Brine, R., Carroll, R. E., Towers, A.-M., Burton, J. K., Akdur, G., Hanratty, B., Webster, L., Palmer, S., Jones, L., Meyer, J., Spilsbury, K., Killett, A., Wolters, A. T., …Goodman, C. (2025). Piloting a minimum data set for older people living in care homes in England: a developmental study. Age and Ageing, 54(1), Article afaf001.

Background: We developed a prototype minimum data set (MDS) for English care homes, assessing feasibility of extracting data directly from digital care records (DCRs) with linkage to health and social care data. Methods: Through stakeholder developme... Read More about Piloting a minimum data set for older people living in care homes in England: a developmental study.

Health care assistant and registered nurse dyads, working together and apart – a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Carroll, R. E., De Vries, K., Goodman, C., & Brown, J. (2024). Health care assistant and registered nurse dyads, working together and apart – a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 23(1), Article 954.

Background: This study was undertaken to understand the role of the Health Care Assistants and how they negotiate roles and responsibilities with Registered Nurses in adult acute hospitals. Methods: The qualitative approach of focused ethnography use... Read More about Health care assistant and registered nurse dyads, working together and apart – a qualitative study.

Exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to assess the structural validity of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit Proxy version (ASCOT-Proxy) completed by care home staff (2024)
Journal Article
Rand, S., Towers, A.-M., Allan, S., Webster, L., Palmer, S., Carroll, R., Gordon, A., Akdur, G., & Goodman, C. (2024). Exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to assess the structural validity of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit Proxy version (ASCOT-Proxy) completed by care home staff. Quality of Life Research, 33, 1555-1567.


Rasch analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were used to evaluate the structural validity of the ASCOT-Proxy measures completed by staff on behalf of older adults resident in care homes, by comparison to the ASCOT-SCT4, the meas... Read More about Exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to assess the structural validity of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit Proxy version (ASCOT-Proxy) completed by care home staff.

Developing a list of core competencies for medical aspects of healthcare delivery in care homes: scoping review and Delphi process (2023)
Journal Article
McCarthy, L., Borley, K., Ancelin, T., Carroll, R., Chadborn, N., Blundell, A. G., & Gordon, A. L. (2023). Developing a list of core competencies for medical aspects of healthcare delivery in care homes: scoping review and Delphi process. Age and Ageing, 52(12), Article afad237.

BACKGROUND: Care home residents live with frailty and multiple long-term conditions. Their medical management is complex and specialised. We set out to develop a list of core competencies for doctors providing medical care in long-term care homes. ME... Read More about Developing a list of core competencies for medical aspects of healthcare delivery in care homes: scoping review and Delphi process.