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Professor KATHLEEN PITHOUSE-MORGAN's Outputs (5)

Polyvocal Poetic Play with Dialogue: Co-creativity in Self-Study Writing (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Samaras, A. P. (2021). Polyvocal Poetic Play with Dialogue: Co-creativity in Self-Study Writing. In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a Method for the Self-Study of Practice (137-154). Springer (part of Springer Nature).

We are teacher educators who facilitate and participate in transdisciplinary self-study research communities in our respective home countries of South Africa and the United States of America. Our comparable experiences first brought us together in 20... Read More about Polyvocal Poetic Play with Dialogue: Co-creativity in Self-Study Writing.

Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Naicker, I. (2021). Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/humanizing education (31-42). Brill Academic Publishers.

We are South African academics in teacher development studies and educational leadership and management. In this chapter, we inquire, what have we learned through our autoethnographic explorations for re/humanizing learning and teaching, academic sel... Read More about Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry.

Academic Identities as Epicentres for Social Cohesiveness in Higher Education (2021)
Journal Article
Pillay, D., Chisanga, T., Hiralaal, A., Masinga, L., Naicker, I., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2021). Academic Identities as Epicentres for Social Cohesiveness in Higher Education. Alternation, 28(2), 1-10.

This themed issue of Alternation explores how and why academics from multiple knowledge fields in South Africa and the United States of America (USA) position themselves vis-à-vis social cohesion in their everyday lives and educational practices. The... Read More about Academic Identities as Epicentres for Social Cohesiveness in Higher Education.

Autoethnography as/in higher education (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Naicker, I. (2021). Autoethnography as/in higher education. In T. E. Adams, S. Holman Jones, & C. Ellis (Eds.), Handbook of Autoethnography (215-227). (Second edition). Routledge.

We explore autoethnography as a complex and potentially transformative methodology for understanding and enacting higher education. First, we position higher education in the context of global corporate managerialism and consider the possible effects... Read More about Autoethnography as/in higher education.

Nourishing Wholehearted Faculty Professional Living through Co-Creative Play (2021)
Journal Article
Samaras, A. P., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2021). Nourishing Wholehearted Faculty Professional Living through Co-Creative Play. Educational Forum, 85(3), 336-350.

This study explores the value of co-creative play spaces for faculty professional learning and development. Data are drawn from the researchers’ coauthored publications, which utilized arts-inspired data generation modes. The pluralist methodological... Read More about Nourishing Wholehearted Faculty Professional Living through Co-Creative Play.