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The human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus can produce the highest known number of meiotic crossovers (2023)
Journal Article
Auxier, B., Debets, A. J., Rhodes, J., Stanford, F. A., Becker, F. M., Marquez, F. R., Nijland, R., Dyer, P. S., Fisher, M. C., den Heuvel, J. V., & Snelders, E. (2023). The human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus can produce the highest known number of meiotic crossovers. PLoS Biology, 21(9), Article e3002278.

Sexual reproduction involving meiosis is essential in most eukaryotes. This produces offspring with novel genotypes, both by segregation of parental chromosomes as well as crossovers between homologous chromosomes. A sexual cycle for the opportunisti... Read More about The human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus can produce the highest known number of meiotic crossovers.