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Dr INDU DUBEY's Outputs (2)

Social anxiety is more likely to influence reputation management decisions than autistic traits (2023)
Journal Article
Dubey, I., Groom, M., Tahir, A., & Hamilton, A. (2024). Social anxiety is more likely to influence reputation management decisions than autistic traits. Autism Research, 17(1), 78-88.

People manage their social reputation by selectively sharing achievements, thereby shaping the way others think about them. Autistic traits and social anxiety may have opposing impacts on reputation management. This study aimed to identify the influe... Read More about Social anxiety is more likely to influence reputation management decisions than autistic traits.

Using mobile health technology to assess childhood autism in low-resource community settings in India: An innovation to address the detection gap (2023)
Journal Article
Dubey, I., Bishain, R., Dasgupta, J., Bhavnani, S., Belmonte, M. K., Gliga, T., Mukherjee, D., Lockwood Estrin, G., Johnson, M. H., Chandran, S., Patel, V., Gulati, S., Divan, G., & Chakrabarti, B. (2024). Using mobile health technology to assess childhood autism in low-resource community settings in India: An innovation to address the detection gap. Autism, 28(3), 755–769.

A diagnosis of autism typically depends on clinical assessments by highly trained professionals. This high resource demand poses a challenge in low-resource settings. Digital assessment of neurodevelopmental symptoms by non-specialists provides a pot... Read More about Using mobile health technology to assess childhood autism in low-resource community settings in India: An innovation to address the detection gap.