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Import Processing and Trade Costs (2025)
Journal Article
Carballo, J., Graziano, A., Schaur, G., & Martincus, C. V. (2025). Import Processing and Trade Costs. Journal of International Economics, Article 104060.

We estimate import processing costs based on the time it takes to import. To do so, we first develop a theoretical model that extends existing time-cost measures to account for uncertainty in import processing. Second, we use detailed, highly disaggr... Read More about Import Processing and Trade Costs.

An import(ant) price of Brexit uncertainty (2024)
Journal Article
Graziano, A. G., Handley, K., & Limão, N. (2024). An import(ant) price of Brexit uncertainty. Journal of International Economics, 152, Article 104012.

We estimate the impact of trade policy uncertainty (TPU) on CES import price indices, focusing on the implications of Britain's exit from the European Union (Brexit). Our analysis reveals that a higher probability of Brexit increases U.K. import pric... Read More about An import(ant) price of Brexit uncertainty.

The Effects of Transit Systems on International Trade (2022)
Journal Article
Carballo, J., Graziano, A. G., Schaur, G., & Martincus, C. V. (2024). The Effects of Transit Systems on International Trade. Review of Economics and Statistics, 106(4), 1083-1098.

In this paper, we estimate the trade effects of a transit system upgrading that streamlines border processing in developing countries. Our empirical approach combines transaction-level export data from El Salvador with unique data that distinguishes... Read More about The Effects of Transit Systems on International Trade.

Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration (2020)
Journal Article
Graziano, A., Handley, K., & Limão, N. (2021). Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration. Economic Journal, 131(635), 1150–1185.

We estimate the uncertainty effects of preferential trade disagreements. Increases in the probability of Britain’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) reduce bilateral export values and trade participation. These effects are increasing in trade pol... Read More about Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration.

Customs (2015)
Journal Article
Volpe Martincus, C., Carballo, J., & Graziano, A. (2015). Customs. Journal of International Economics, 96(1), 119-137.

All international trade transactions are processed by custom agencies and such processing takes time. Despite the fact that time is a key trade barrier, the time it takes for shipments to clear customs and how customs' processing times affect firms'... Read More about Customs.

How do transport costs affect firms’ exports? Evidence from a vanishing bridge (2014)
Journal Article
Volpe Martincus, C., Carballo, J., Garcia, P. M., & Graziano, A. (2014). How do transport costs affect firms’ exports? Evidence from a vanishing bridge. Economics Letters, 123(2), 149-153.

In this paper we provide estimates of the effects of international transport costs on firms’ exports anddisentangle the channels of these effects. In so doing, we use a unique dataset consisting of highlydisaggregated transaction-level trade and tran... Read More about How do transport costs affect firms’ exports? Evidence from a vanishing bridge.