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Professor JOHN HEAP's Outputs (3)

Developing a genetic engineering method for Acetobacterium wieringae to expand one-carbon valorization pathways (2023)
Journal Article
Moreira, J. P., Heap, J. T., Alves, J. I., & Domingues, L. (2023). Developing a genetic engineering method for Acetobacterium wieringae to expand one-carbon valorization pathways. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 16(1), Article 24.

Background: Developing new bioprocesses to produce chemicals and fuels with reduced production costs will greatly facilitate the replacement of fossil-based raw materials. In most fermentation bioprocesses, the feedstock usually represents the highes... Read More about Developing a genetic engineering method for Acetobacterium wieringae to expand one-carbon valorization pathways.

A primer to directed evolution: current methodologies and future directions (2023)
Journal Article
Sellés Vidal, L., Isalan, M., Heap, J. T., & Ledesma-Amaro, R. (2023). A primer to directed evolution: current methodologies and future directions. RSC Chemical Biology, 2023(4), 271-291.

Directed evolution is one of the most powerful tools for protein engineering and functions by harnessing natural evolution, but on a shorter timescale. It enables the rapid selection of variants of biomolecules with properties that make them more sui... Read More about A primer to directed evolution: current methodologies and future directions.

A combinatorial DNA assembly approach to biosynthesis of N-linked glycans in E. coli (2023)
Journal Article
Passmore, I. J., Faulds-Pain, A., Abouelhadid, S., Harrison, M. A., Hall, C. L., Hitchen, P., Dell, A., Heap, J. T., & Wren, B. W. (2023). A combinatorial DNA assembly approach to biosynthesis of N-linked glycans in E. coli. Glycobiology, 33(2), 138-149.

Glycoengineering of recombinant glycans and glycoconjugates is a rapidly evolving field. However, the production and exploitation of glycans has lagged behind that of proteins and nucleic acids. Biosynthetic glycoconjugate production requires the coo... Read More about A combinatorial DNA assembly approach to biosynthesis of N-linked glycans in E. coli.