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Professor ALASDAIR CAIRNS's Outputs (26)

A study of transient over-fuelling during heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine (2018)
Journal Article
Vafamehr, H., Cairns, A., & Ebne-Abbasi, H. (in press). A study of transient over-fuelling during heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine. International Journal of Powertrains, 7(1/2/3),

The work was concerned with improving understanding of the effects of transient over-fuelling during heavy knocking combustion in modern spark ignition engines. The single cylinder engine employed included full bore overhead optical access capable of... Read More about A study of transient over-fuelling during heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine.

Evaluation of intake charge hydrogen enrichment in a heavy-duty diesel engine (2017)
Journal Article
Monemian, E., Cairns, A., Gilmore, M., Newman, D., & Scott, K. (in press). Evaluation of intake charge hydrogen enrichment in a heavy-duty diesel engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering,

Concerns over CO2 emissions and global warming continue to enforce the transport sector to reduce the fuel consumption of heavy duty diesel goods vehicles as one major contributor of CO2. Such powertrain platforms look set to remain the dominant sour... Read More about Evaluation of intake charge hydrogen enrichment in a heavy-duty diesel engine.

Hydrogen and oxygen fuel enrichment effects on a HD diesel engine (2017)
Journal Article
Monemian, E., Cairns, A., & Pedrozo, V. (2017). Hydrogen and oxygen fuel enrichment effects on a HD diesel engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 47(47),

Implementing emission regulations in the transport sector is enforcing manufacturers to improve performance of Heavy Duty (HD) vehicles as they are accountable for 25% of CO2 emissions within EU. The currently reported research was involved with eval... Read More about Hydrogen and oxygen fuel enrichment effects on a HD diesel engine.

The competing chemical and physical effects of transient fuel enrichment on heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine (2016)
Journal Article
Vafamehr, H., Cairns, A., Sampson, O., & Mohammadmohsen Moslemin, K. (2016). The competing chemical and physical effects of transient fuel enrichment on heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine. Applied Energy, 179,

The work was concerned with improving understanding of the chemical and physical trade-offs when employing transient over-fuelling to control auto-ignition in gasoline spark ignition engines under knock intensities not usually tolerated in optical en... Read More about The competing chemical and physical effects of transient fuel enrichment on heavy knock in an optical spark ignition engine.

Experimental analysis of ethanol dual-fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine: An optimisation at low load (2015)
Journal Article
Pedrozo, V. B., May, I., Dalla Nora, M., Cairns, A., & Zhao, H. (2016). Experimental analysis of ethanol dual-fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine: An optimisation at low load. Applied Energy, 165, 166-182.

Conventional diesel combustion produces harmful exhaust emissions which adversely affect the air quality if not controlled by in-cylinder measures and exhaust aftertreatment systems. Dual-fuel combustion can potentially reduce the formation of nitrog... Read More about Experimental analysis of ethanol dual-fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine: An optimisation at low load.

Experimental investigation of direct injection charge cooling in optical GDI engine using tracer-based PLIF technique (2014)
Journal Article
Anbari Attar, M., Reza Herfatmanesh, M., Zhao, H., & Cairns, A. (2014). Experimental investigation of direct injection charge cooling in optical GDI engine using tracer-based PLIF technique. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 59, 96-108.

Investigation of direct injection charge cooling effects is indispensable in design and development of new combustion systems for Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines. The charge cooling can be utilized to increase engine volumetric efficiency or... Read More about Experimental investigation of direct injection charge cooling in optical GDI engine using tracer-based PLIF technique.