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The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences (2023)
Journal Article
Kikuchi, D. W., Allen, W. L., Arbuckle, K., Aubier, T. G., Briolat, E. S., Burdfield-Steel, E. R., Cheney, K. L., Daňková, K., Elias, M., Hämäläinen, L., Herberstein, M. E., Hossie, T. J., Joron, M., Kunte, K., Leavell, B. C., Lindstedt, C., Lorioux‐Chevalier, U., McClure, M., McLellan, C. F., Medina, I., …Exnerová, A. (2023). The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(7), 975-991.

Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of multiple defences in a prey. However, a prey may use multiple defe... Read More about The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences.

Early‐life immune expression profiles predict later‐life health and fitness in a wild rodent (2023)
Journal Article
Wanelik, K. M., Begon, M., Bradley, J. E., Friberg, I. M., Taylor, C. H., Jackson, J. A., Paterson, S., Bradley, J. E., & Friberg, I. M. (2023). Early‐life immune expression profiles predict later‐life health and fitness in a wild rodent. Molecular Ecology, 32(13), 3471-3482.

Individuals differ in the nature of the immune responses they produce, affecting disease susceptibility and ultimately health and fitness. These differences have been hypothesized to have an origin in events experienced early in life that then affect... Read More about Early‐life immune expression profiles predict later‐life health and fitness in a wild rodent.

Effects of an IgE receptor polymorphism acting on immunity, susceptibility to infection, and reproduction in a wild rodent (2023)
Journal Article
Wanelik, K. M., Begon, M., Bradley, J. E., Friberg, I. M., Jackson, J. A., Taylor, C. H., & Paterson, S. (2023). Effects of an IgE receptor polymorphism acting on immunity, susceptibility to infection, and reproduction in a wild rodent. eLife, 12, Article e77666.

The genotype of an individual is an important predictor of their immune function, and subsequently, their ability to control or avoid infection and ultimately contribute offspring to the next generation. However, the same genotype, subjected to diffe... Read More about Effects of an IgE receptor polymorphism acting on immunity, susceptibility to infection, and reproduction in a wild rodent.