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The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences

Kikuchi, David W.; Allen, William L.; Arbuckle, Kevin; Aubier, Thomas G.; Briolat, Emmanuelle S.; Burdfield-Steel, Emily R.; Cheney, Karen L.; Daňková, Klára; Elias, Marianne; Hämäläinen, Liisa; Herberstein, Marie E.; Hossie, Thomas J.; Joron, Mathieu; Kunte, Krushnamegh; Leavell, Brian C.; Lindstedt, Carita; Lorioux‐Chevalier, Ugo; McClure, Melanie; McLellan, Callum F.; Medina, Iliana; Nawge, Viraj; Páez, Erika; Pal, Arka; Pekár, Stano; Penacchio, Olivier; Raška, Jan; Reader, Tom; Rojas, Bibiana; Rönkä, Katja H.; Rößler, Daniela C.; Rowe, Candy; Rowland, Hannah M.; Roy, Arlety; Schaal, Kaitlin A.; Sherratt, Thomas N.; Skelhorn, John; Smart, Hannah R.; Stankowich, Ted; Stefan, Amanda M.; Summers, Kyle; Taylor, Christopher H.; Thorogood, Rose; Umbers, Kate; Winters, Anne E.; Yeager, Justin; Exnerová, Alice

The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences Thumbnail


David W. Kikuchi

William L. Allen

Kevin Arbuckle

Thomas G. Aubier

Emmanuelle S. Briolat

Emily R. Burdfield-Steel

Karen L. Cheney

Klára Daňková

Marianne Elias

Liisa Hämäläinen

Marie E. Herberstein

Thomas J. Hossie

Mathieu Joron

Krushnamegh Kunte

Brian C. Leavell

Carita Lindstedt

Ugo Lorioux‐Chevalier

Melanie McClure

Callum F. McLellan

Iliana Medina

Viraj Nawge

Erika Páez

Arka Pal

Stano Pekár

Olivier Penacchio

Jan Raška

Bibiana Rojas

Katja H. Rönkä

Daniela C. Rößler

Candy Rowe

Hannah M. Rowland

Arlety Roy

Kaitlin A. Schaal

Thomas N. Sherratt

John Skelhorn

Hannah R. Smart

Ted Stankowich

Amanda M. Stefan

Kyle Summers

Rose Thorogood

Kate Umbers

Anne E. Winters

Justin Yeager

Alice Exnerová


Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of multiple defences in a prey. However, a prey may use multiple defences to protect itself during a single predator encounter. Such “defence portfolios” that defend prey against a single instance of predation are distributed across and within successive stages of the predation sequence (encounter, detection, identification, approach (attack), subjugation and consumption). We contend that at present, our understanding of defence portfolio evolution is incomplete, and seen from the fragmentary perspective of specific sensory systems (e.g., visual) or specific types of defences (especially aposematism). In this review, we aim to build a comprehensive framework for conceptualizing the evolution of multiple prey defences, beginning with hypotheses for the evolution of multiple defences in general, and defence portfolios in particular. We then examine idealized models of resource trade‐offs and functional interactions between traits, along with evidence supporting them. We find that defence portfolios are constrained by resource allocation to other aspects of life history, as well as functional incompatibilities between different defences. We also find that selection is likely to favour combinations of defences that have synergistic effects on predator behaviour and prey survival. Next, we examine specific aspects of prey ecology, genetics and development, and predator cognition that modify the predictions of current hypotheses or introduce competing hypotheses. We outline schema for gathering data on the distribution of prey defences across species and geography, determining how multiple defences are produced, and testing the proximate mechanisms by which multiple prey defences impact predator behaviour. Adopting these approaches will strengthen our understanding of multiple defensive strategies.


Kikuchi, D. W., Allen, W. L., Arbuckle, K., Aubier, T. G., Briolat, E. S., Burdfield-Steel, E. R., Cheney, K. L., Daňková, K., Elias, M., Hämäläinen, L., Herberstein, M. E., Hossie, T. J., Joron, M., Kunte, K., Leavell, B. C., Lindstedt, C., Lorioux‐Chevalier, U., McClure, M., McLellan, C. F., Medina, I., …Exnerová, A. (2023). The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(7), 975-991.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 7, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 26, 2023
Publication Date 2023-07
Deposit Date Jul 24, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 24, 2023
Journal Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Print ISSN 1010-061X
Electronic ISSN 1420-9101
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 36
Issue 7
Pages 975-991
Keywords predation sequence, trade‐offs, secondary defences, predator cognition, intraspecific variation, defence portfolio, defence syndrome, antergy, synergy
Public URL
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