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Professor DAVID GERADA's Outputs (5)

Thermal Management of Electrified Propulsion System for Low-Carbon Vehicles (2020)
Journal Article
Li, B., Kuo, H., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Gerada, D., Worall, S., Stone, I., & Yan, Y. (2020). Thermal Management of Electrified Propulsion System for Low-Carbon Vehicles. Automotive Innovation, 3(4), 299-316.

An overview of current thermal challenges in transport electrification is introduced in order to underpin the research developments and trends of recent thermal management techniques. Currently, explorations of intelligent thermal management and cont... Read More about Thermal Management of Electrified Propulsion System for Low-Carbon Vehicles.

Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zou, T., Gerada, D., Walker, A., Vakil, G., La Rocca, S., La Rocca, A., Paciura, K., Barden, R., Ernest, E., Zhu, S., Qayyum, N., McQueen, A., Bardalai, A., Ram Kumar, R. M., Marfoli, A., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines. Presented at 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2020), Detroit, MI, USA

In recent years, synchronous reluctance (Syn-Rel) machines are research hotspots in variable speed motor drives due to their robust rotor structure and wide constant power speed range (CPSR). More practically, when kVA limitation is considered, embed... Read More about Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines.

Optimized Magnet wire size and Slot winding height for minimum AC losses in a Traction Machine (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bardalai, A., Gerada, D., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2020, August). Optimized Magnet wire size and Slot winding height for minimum AC losses in a Traction Machine. Presented at 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Gothenburg

The demand for high performance electrical machines that combine high power density (kW/kg or kW/L), light – weighting and high efficiency have become more and more important in recent years. In these machines, mitigation of the parasitic losses asso... Read More about Optimized Magnet wire size and Slot winding height for minimum AC losses in a Traction Machine.

A Hybrid Computational Tool to Analyze the Performance of Electric Machines with Reduced Content of Permanent Magnet (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ram Kumar, R. M., Khowja, M. R., Vakil, G., Gerada, D., Gerada, C., Paciura, K., & Fernandes, B. G. (2020, June). A Hybrid Computational Tool to Analyze the Performance of Electric Machines with Reduced Content of Permanent Magnet. Presented at IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC 2020), Chicago, IL, USA

Electric vehicles (EVs) are equipped with interior permanent magnet (IPM) or permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance (PM-SynRel) machines because of their superior performance in field weakening region. The effect of saturation is more prono... Read More about A Hybrid Computational Tool to Analyze the Performance of Electric Machines with Reduced Content of Permanent Magnet.