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Dr Timothy Ritzmann's Outputs (25)

Tissue metabolite profiles for the characterisation of paediatric cerebellar tumours (2018)
Journal Article
Bennett, C. D., Kohe, S. E., Gill, S. K., Davies, N. P., Wilson, M., Storer, L. C. D., Ritzmann, T., Paine, S. M. L., Scott, I. S., Nicklaus-Wollenteit, I., Tennant, D. A., Grundy, R. G., & Peet, A. C. (2018). Tissue metabolite profiles for the characterisation of paediatric cerebellar tumours. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 11992.

Paediatric brain tumors are becoming well characterized due to large genomic and epigenomic studies. Metabolomics is a powerful analytical approach aiding in the characterization of tumors. This study shows that common cerebellar tumors have metaboli... Read More about Tissue metabolite profiles for the characterisation of paediatric cerebellar tumours.

Molecular heterogeneity and CXorf67 alterations in posterior fossa group A (PFA) ependymomas (2018)
Journal Article
Pajtler, K. W., Wen, J., Sill, M., Lin, T., Orisme, W., Tang, B., Hübner, J.-M., Ramaswamy, V., Jia, S., Dalton, J. D., Haupfear, K., Rogers, H. A., Punchihewa, C., Lee, R., Easton, J., Wu, G., Ritzmann, T. A., Chapman, R., Chavez, L., Boop, F. A., …Ellison, D. W. (2018). Molecular heterogeneity and CXorf67 alterations in posterior fossa group A (PFA) ependymomas. Acta Neuropathologica, 136(2), 211-226.

Of nine ependymoma molecular groups detected by DNA methylation profiling, the posterior fossa type A (PFA) is most prevalent. We used DNA methylation profiling to look for further molecular heterogeneity among 675 PFA ependymomas. Two major subgroup... Read More about Molecular heterogeneity and CXorf67 alterations in posterior fossa group A (PFA) ependymomas.

Translating childhood brain tumour research into clinical practice: the experience of molecular classification and diagnostics (2018)
Journal Article
Ritzmann, T. A., & Grundy, R. G. (2018). Translating childhood brain tumour research into clinical practice: the experience of molecular classification and diagnostics. Paediatrics and Child Health, 28(4),

Diagnosis and treatment of paediatric brain tumours has shown limited progress over the last half century. However, in the past 10 years the development of molecular techniques for investigating these tumours has expanded exponentially. The use of me... Read More about Translating childhood brain tumour research into clinical practice: the experience of molecular classification and diagnostics.

Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa (2013)
Journal Article
Boulemden, A., Ritzmann, T., Liptrot, S., Abbas, A., & Makhdoomi, K. R. (2013). Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 95(2), 110-112.

Introduction: Traditionally, the prone position is used for dissecting the popliteal fossa, which requires endotracheal intubation. Access to the airway in this position is limited, hence the complications. It is not surprising that the prone positio... Read More about Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa.

Radiological classification of optic pathway gliomas: experience of a modified functional classification system (2008)
Journal Article
Walker, D., Benson, C., Ritzmann, T., Parker, T., Gregson, R., Milano, G., Jaspan, T., & Taylor, T. (2008). Radiological classification of optic pathway gliomas: experience of a modified functional classification system. British Journal of Radiology, 81(970), 761-766.

Optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) in childhood are associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and since 1958 have been classified anatomically using the Dodge classification (DC). MR scanning permits a more detailed anatomical description than can be... Read More about Radiological classification of optic pathway gliomas: experience of a modified functional classification system.